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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Felling better now hope Sunday is a good sesh :)

    1. mala


      were you off on sunday are you going ferriting

    2. tomano1


      Ye mate Northallerton :) u got smoker ?

  2. Felling better now hope Sunday is a good sesh :)

  3. Life is mint not lol :)

    1. Hunting boys

      Hunting boys

      Get out with th ferrets, see if you can bag a few on this boring dayy

    2. tomano1


      Feck em going hunting this weekend thanks lads

    3. PIL


      Good advice from Paul for a change lol. chin up tomo

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  4. Wonted a friends cos I've got none lol:)

  5. Wonted a friend cos I've got none lol:)

  6. Good pics never seen nothing that coulour should do some research on it ATB no1
  7. Sounds like a god night out mate ATB no1
  8. Good jumping bad jump tri taken pics on something that high but with out the risk mate could lose a good dog and the land at that hight could of been risky
  9. Welcome to the THL mate good blokes lots of help and advice ATB no1
  10. Ne good this wakening up at four f.........k

    1. tomano1


      Would have been better two much on mind so not sleeping good :(

    2. paulus


      booze in vast amount before bed...lol

    3. tomano1


      Only drink shandy mate 8mounth used to be a piss head no just a lot on me mind mam lass kids etc are not going very well at mo think I've got OCD go to sleep not dream think of day before and and to day wish I could just switch off like most peole any way morning :) no1

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  11. Ne good this wakening up at four f.........k

  12. Well if weather is sh .t tomorrow I'm out cos this is no good !

    1. rocky1


      going 2 be alright matee

    2. tomano1


      I but ne good for window cleaner if this wet weather chills no work done fek all this week windows just freezing up on the windows :(

  13. Well if weather is sh .t tomorrow I'm out cos this is no good !

  14. Welcome to the THL mate some good lads and help and advice ATB no1
  15. Very nice pics and lane don't get a big head lol and dogs no1
  16. Nice day for window cleaning can not stand the heat not :(

  17. Tails were made for a purpose mate so u can pull the dog out on a sesh fec cutting them now ATB no1
  18. Welcome mate to the THL good lads and advice ATB no1
  19. Some guy u nice gun and nicely restored ATB no1
  20. ATB mate just keep putting that up and some one will give u a shout have u got no were u are to do a bit I've just got back into it after 25 years lol think I'm going through mid life crises lol no1 have a look at me gallery just got it all sorted did not take long to get your
  21. Going to see if can get two long nets for the weekend might save some time and me hands lol :(

    1. tomano1


      Fek no puff aak feata my first ferreting and shooting pall were we live puffs not aloud lol

    2. rob190364


      should have been advert, ha ha. Your saying you get your hands scratched...put some marigolds on, I'm sure you and feata have a supply available for other purposes, ha ha

    3. tomano1


      Not scratched cut to bits can not work with gloves at least u lot are maken me feel beter me and wor lass are going through a separation 10 years gone :(

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  22. Going to see if can get two long nets for the weekend might save some time and me hands lol :(

  23. Could u not use elm wood ash look very nice an inlay would be nice from a French polisher no1
  24. Nice one mate looks good same as me it's finishing ferret in shortly going to breed me two and do a bit shooting for a couple of month ATB no1
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