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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Just got White hob called him big Jake see what he is like at the weekend ?

  2. Good one mate get some pics up on next trip ATB no1
  3. tomano1


    I would go under gold smiths and shop around for best price cos it is right up at mo ATB no1
  4. Nice day to do something. Mmmmmmmmm what

    1. charlie nelly1

      charlie nelly1

      sign out of THL and get a life, lol

    2. jeppi26
    3. GrCh


      whats happened

  5. Nice day to do something. Mmmmmmmmm what

  6. Con grats mate well done must have some good permission that's a lot of bunnys ATB no1
  7. Good mate and sounds like approached him in a nice manner cost nowt to be polite gets u more work well done no1
  8. Good mate when we going to meet up when u got time ?
  9. Just got some new combat gear coat jacket waist coat shirt and pants nice :)

    1. rocky1


      never use it mate ,these days the police are allover lads we cammo gear on haha

    2. tomano1


      Well if ya working round in the middle of the night with hunting dogs your going to get pulled any way we do mostly PERMITION so no need to hide got two farmes to go and look at at the weekend then out out Sunday :)

  10. Just got some new combat gear coat jacket waist coat shirt and pants nice :)

  11. Just got new combat gear jacket waist coat shirt and pants nice

  12. Just got new combat gear jacket waist coat shirt and pants nice

  13. Hope u get one mate zoom good guys should have no probes u will have to travel for good one like most people do on here ATB no1
  14. Morning paulus happy valentines day x nice pics mate
  15. U will not no mate rill 17 month what it I'll turn out mate ATB no1
  16. Toma is up and ready to go I'll miss u lot but I'll be back on at tea time :(

    1. tomano1


      Unless I stay of yes u will Charlie 1 I no u will x and grch x

    2. charlie nelly1

      charlie nelly1

      whilst your gone i hope someone burns your computer, lol

    3. tomano1


      They might even set fire to me I pad lol posh c..nt

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  17. It's like the the good the bad and the ugley some good some bad and darn right ugely welcome mate ATB no1
  18. U can not fit a scunk in a tin that size ?
  19. Legs start a new talk wife life and let's go and see if I can give a good comment let's go i feel like I'm on roll

    1. tomano1


      Well back at ya what would u be if u were a roll ?

    2. ferretess


      a nice peace off white breast off course ( chicken that is lol)

    3. tomano1


      Like breast the scintilla taste better

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  20. Legs start a new talk wife life and let's go and see if I can give a good comment let's go i feel like I'm on roll

  21. Go knocking like all us do or word off mouth please don't just go shooting any were every body will nick name u mr moat lol ATB mr moat and don't go anywhere were there are any t 5 s
  22. Fleck father and sone need to get some organisation in there lol
  23. Fleck work tomorrow rather have sh..t loads of money I could talk on here sick off talking to me self

    1. GrCh


      special powers or needs?

    2. ferretess
    3. rocky1


      why be clarkkent when you can be superman

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  24. Fleck work tomorrow rather have sh..t loads of money I could talk on here sick off talking to me self

  25. Well when I was younger I used to sell pound a pound in weight in the clubs the old people used to take the lot and people with young birds off pray might won't them ATB no 1
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