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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Not good eh looks the guns going to have to come out bud no1
  2. Looks and sounds like a right good day ATB no1
  3. Toma fells a bit better today nice sunny day hope it stays till the rest of the week

  4. Toma fells a bit better today nice sunny day hope it stays till the rest of the week

  5. U tied eBay cos I've seen them on there but there always miles away same as oil drums or like rocky horses sh.t round here that's were I seen them on there cos that's iwos wonting no1
  6. Or is it paulus with a blunt chopper lol
  7. Were was it photo taken could be an otter or is there no water there or would they not do that ?
  8. Have u checked the dogs temp a pox 97 or 98 if wor lass remember if not mate I'd ring vets they give u free advice mate if your really concerned no1
  9. Got some new land today but been looking for this other farmer for a while was talking to an old man and the bugger just lives next to the land I've just got mad eh :)

  10. Got some new land today but been looking for this other farmer for a while was talking to an old man and the bugger just lives next to the land I've just got mad eh :)

  11. Been out trying to get some more permission. Got one out and left me no with the rest been trying to find a farmer for a while was talking to an old man latter on and the bugger lives right next to the one I've just got so see how it goes mad eh

  12. Been out trying to get some more permission. Got one out and left me no with the rest been trying to find a farmer for a while was talking to an old man latter on and the bugger lives right next to the one I've just got so see how it goes mad eh

  13. Been out trying to get some more permission. Got one out and left me no with the rest been trying to find a farmer for a while was talking to an old man latter on and the bugger lives right next to the one I've just got so see how it goes mad eh

  14. Good to here u guys had good day as it goes it's not how many u get it's the company your with that makes the day and that sounds like what happens ATB no1 slash artic lol
  15. Mondays from one to ten I say two f..king hate them going to give head a shack and do something :( :(

    1. GrCh


      "going to give head" lol i thought you was bloke.

  16. Welcome to the sight mate ATB no1
  17. looks very nice area to work mate wish i was going with ya hpoe u get a few when do u clean it out u will have to put some pics up of how u get on mate ATB no1
  18. nice birds mate ATB no1
  19. Welcome mate some nice fire power there ATB no1
  20. Hope all goes all goes well no1
  21. Welcome to the sight mate ATB no1
  22. New Jill in the shop give her a try tomorrow see how she gets on

    1. tomano1


      Went for 11 pound each

    2. charlie nelly1

      charlie nelly1

      well lets hope its a worker unlike mine

    3. tomano1


      Lad was there how owned said they x workers he had two in there both hand tame why whsts up with yours mate ?

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  23. That's me up just checked on pups every one is fine and so is mam now off to the auctions see if owt there ?

    1. rocky1
    2. charlie nelly1

      charlie nelly1

      what you buying toma, livestock??

    3. tomano1


      Another ferret Jill there was 4 there gas gun bit juts left that

  24. That's me up just checked on pups every one is fine and so is mam now off to the auctions see if owt there ?

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