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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Welcome to the sight mate lots of help and advice ATB no1
  2. Hope tomorrow's a better day ne good to man or beast this sh..t :(

    1. tomano1


      Fleck ing work if I can get out got MRI scan at two why like bud ?

    2. RubyTex


      Just wondering mate thought you might have been getting out and about

    3. tomano1


      U going out like mate ?

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  3. Hope tomorrow's a better day ne good to man or beast this sh..t :(

  4. Every one should watch what they do in anything in life he must had lose lips cos they sink ships think before u speak and all watch ya back never let your gard down there is all ways some how does not like u or. What u do good job I've E S P lol
  5. RIP stan it's a big loss to lose a dog just like part of the family just think off all the good times u have had mate and it il see u through sorry to here mate alb no1
  6. It's just like kids u should look at your dog and it's markings and it's it's mentality and it should come to u do have a pic to follow this up mate and I'll try to help mate ATB no1
  7. Pity mate cos the spec u do these knives at are worth every penny but as craftsmen people expect for nowt sad to see your not doing them any more I've liked every pic u have put up of these knives ATB no1
  8. Think this guy has to much money and thinks he should not pay tax lol does not matter wether it's money life or what there is all ways some one to take what u have this is a part of life
  9. As above lol but use both hans or one arm will end up bigger than the other
  10. Welcome to the THL mate some good help and advice ATB no
  11. Plenty of hard work with dumb bells and curling bar etc
  12. Looks like the runt off the litter not doing well looks like a couple of days of hand feeding rest are fine and mother is good should all keep an eye on the smallest one

    1. mickeyandmouse


      ATB with them me and brother bought bitch and dog nearly two years ago he kept winding me up at first saying it was runt well runt or not he got done 3 out of 4 to he's 2 out of four ATB

    2. tomano1


      Thanks mate after taken the first comment thought every one was going to have a go not peddler I have my pups best interests to heart ive got her in living room with blankets and hot water bottle just keep her at the right temp and as I said hand fed every 2 to 3 hours and let mam do cares cos it's the mother licking them and cleaning that makes them poo and wee so in for a long hard night but as a breeder these are things that has to be done ATB mate

    3. tomano1


      Don't no yet mate I'll have to see yes I do come from a family of breeders as I said in that comment was them that got me interested in the breading to put to dogs together and see the out come is one the most enjoyable experience u can see and to see what I've seen when selling these pups to families with kids with problems and couples in love with the intent of keeping this dog for life and people how mostly come cos they have lost or they're dog has died is really most sati...

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  13. Looks like the runt off the litter not doing well looks like a couple of days of hand feeding rest are fine and mother is good should all keep an eye on the smallest one

  14. Ye would do mate the fangs are still growing they are one of the last teeth to develop but keep a check on it but should not be a prob ATB no1
  15. Welcome to the THL mate good lot with help and advice ATB no1
  16. Nice day again looks like the sun might get out NOT :(

    1. tomano1


      A nar f..king ne good to man or beast this sh.t looks like it's a day in bor.......................ring :(

    2. PIL


      Just started here!

    3. tomano1


      Ne good mate the winds are up can not even get me contract work done and that's me best graft f.......ck

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  17. Nice day again looks like the sun might get out NOT :(

  18. Good mate look forward in seeing your pics ATB no1
  19. Nice looking jack mate hope he does u proud mate ATB no1
  20. Hello mate and welcome to the sight there are some big gus on here and lots of advice ATB no1
  21. Bludey weather fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk :(

    1. tomano1


      A nar was only joking me face is burnt off graft the day sun and clear off the window bludey fell over how the Fu.k invented coulour create ?

    2. paulus


      its cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuused....lol

    3. tomano1


      Your a and man and it's spooooooooooooooooooooooooky ....lol

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  22. Bludey weather fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk :(

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