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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. club land for them lush wemon dancing class mmmmmm
  2. what malt there are double agents on here like the bloody secret sevice this like lol
  3. life is like a round about round round and then back again
  4. got mine barbour jakets flees lined can stay in hutch out side loveley and warm EBAY ATB TOMA
  5. nice one mate good but true im still in the slave time lol
  6. the only way to resolve this is bring back apreterships like the old days might be me but when thery stopt all that every thing went pair shaped there is no scills being learnt ?
  7. eeeeeeh ant life funny or is it just me cracking up :) lol

    1. ferretess


      oh it's a hoot

    2. tomano1


      or yes it is hinny lol

  8. sport soccer look better lol
  9. u got your hob on steroides mate cos if u think thats good me dont big buck could have kicked your hob to f,,k ?
  10. thats the fatest bird i ever did see lol :laugh:
  11. nice pics mate is the second from the top palus is love child ?
  12. wellcome to the sight mate ATB TOMA bitch looks a treat
  13. as we call it the facy b is a pile off shit there are all kinds off people dont like it mostly for people on the rebond from a broken relationship or sad mother f..kers looking to give to help u but not it causes a lot off trouble and brakes relation ships up just dont like the f..king shit sight but thats me TOMA !
  14. looking good mate nice peice off workman ship ATB TOMA
  15. wellcome to the sight mate ATB TOMA
  16. should have went back and kicked his f..king head in and chocked him out and then said now u no how it feels to be miss tret :censored:
  17. f..king hard day at the office im so hot im on fire !

    1. rocky1


      snap been a killer

    2. tomano1


      to fat me to wear ne top so ive now got wings i can fly off me vest top lol

  19. lol just ask if u can have one lol course the is windows in jails in reseption shatter proof
  20. primark bag, sports soccer,bag both work well just look like quik set bascket on the way out grab one and run
  21. off to f..king work shortly take me rifile with is bit shooting on way back

    1. paulus


      summer hunter....lol

    2. tomano1


      couple off woodys for the ferrets lol

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