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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. nice pups mate pics show them well ATB toma
  2. i it is mate good lads but some silly buggers lol ATB toma
  3. u do no to keep your dog in and keep it away from other dog cos it can be past on atb toma
  4. im leaveing the forum if becca is lol

    1. Lab


      Yes, but she left coins not a pool of jizz......lol

    2. paulus


      all i ever got was an iou lol

    3. tomano1


      never mind one idiot and another 1500 to go lol

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  5. im leaveing the forum if becca is lol

  6. i was up corbridge one day when i was a about 15 police walked over but sliped down the hill was covered in dirt said what u doing we said ferreting he said u court owt we said no but had them stashed cos it was the walk way next to the bridge he said we have had a report off u lot doing stuff then he replied f**k its just wasted my time and its going to cost me 50 quid for me suitevcleaned then he went away me and festa just p..st or self laughing at him
  7. what a mad sight this is some times it makes me pmsl

    1. paulus


      tennerlady will help with that....lol

    2. tomano1


      might try them good job for this sight when its pissing down lol

  8. look mosttly silver to me mate but your not realy going to no till they get bigger but look nice coulour to me mate ATB toma
  9. Was the funniest thing I've ever seen in me life mate might take the ferret with me today and let him see it see what me ferret thinks of it lol
  10. Never mind that one picked me son up from school and only to see some daft c..t with a ginney pig on a harness and lead was pmsl
  11. Let's all resight the old saying rain rain go away come back another day and see if it works lol

    1. tomano1


      Ye I no but when your trying to go clean window and some daft c..t says what u doing cleaning windows in the rain and have to call it a day it's cracking me up I've bills to pay and not getting enough work done :(

    2. paulus


      clean the insides for them all weather job...lol

    3. tomano1


      That's what I did today on one house all ways happy to polish the insides for them mate had a good laugh with u other night was in funny mood lol

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  12. What dimensions or the holes think there bigger than gate or long net when I first started used to use tennis court netting and found it to be good court a good few rabbits using it bless never had enough money for long net at 14 years off age lol
  13. This rain better fleck off sick off this s..t :(

    1. tomano1


      Ne good for me window cleaning fleck fleck fleck

    2. rocky1


      snap toma ,i,ve been rained off aswell ,ment 2 be shite tomos aswell and not much better saturday

    3. tomano1


      Ne good mate gutters again for weekend lol

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  14. I speak from experience been breeding for the last ten years and come from a family off breading dogs it's good but not for the faint hearted the is a lot to consider mate if u have never done it I would look into it before going a head with it cos problems can happen and if u have never bread before u would not no what to do so bear this in mind ATB toma
  15. Toma had good day today lol

    1. StevoSmith


      Work or ferrets mate?....or did ya mrs give out mate :)

    2. tomano1


      Work mate nearly had fight with other window cleaners lol

  16. Toma had good day today lol

  17. Some window cleaners think there can come on me pitch sorted nutters ! BANG! Not any more lol

  18. Hello mate and welcome to the sight ATB toma
  19. There will be loads around shortly mate most people or breading now so hope u got some mate ATB toma
  20. I have two staffs but all they would rather lick u to death than bight u all terriers breed for a hunting purpose but they will still protect the home and house hold that live in it I think that's what they go off with these reports off bighting but all breads off dogs do the same protect there pack and thats what owners are top off the pack but some people don't understand this theses are the people how should not have any dogs
  21. There bringing more severe sentencing to dogs that are marling people but every time they show it there showing Staffordshire bull terries . But they should bring in more severe sentencing I do agree cos it's not the dogs it's the stupid people how don't the breed but why is it always shown to be the staff and not the fighting dogs that are imported in to this country
  22. New dangerous dogs doing my head in now all they show is staffs arrrrrrr

    1. paulus


      not newcastle then....lol

  23. New dangerous dogs doing my head in now all they show is staffs arrrrrrr

  24. Now my blood is boiling about this now all there showing is staffs and staff x what about all the import dogs which I think are more dangerous then the staff eg sharpie, ackieta and all the others which are called fighting dogs
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