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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Top looking dog mate looks like it I'll make u proud
  2. Very good looking dog mate ATB toma
  3. Hope every things comes good mate and some one sees the dog up for sale and get it back but most dogs are stolen to order them past down in not local areas but taken for mills it is more and more common now days ATB toma
  4. Smaller dogs now mate have went through the roof in price especially kc ones
  5. Mint stevo bet that's put a smile on ya face bud
  6. Welcome to the sight mate ATB toma
  7. My god what a day think I've got sun stroke and going to be hotter tomorrow but bet your bottom dollar it going to p..s down the weekend

  8. My god what a day think I've got sun stroke and

  9. Or what a glorys morning or what a buittifal

  10. ffs why do i get up so early might take the dogs for a god run before graft see if there is owt about

  11. ffs what a bunch of wank..s they would have just done it to piss u of would def put a complaint in mate hope what ever they charged u with all sorts its sell out mate ATB toma
  12. real good write up mate good going toma
  13. Mint pic dog in flight with paulus in mouth
  14. Hope she is ok mate let us no how u get on toma ?
  15. Good footage mate and good clean shot toma
  16. Well that's me out today work work but this weekend I'm going to play :)

  17. Well that's me out today work work but this weekend I'm going to play :)

  18. As I've said to uounge guns make a flyer saying what your intensions are and go to local farms and give them it looks more professional if make it look good ATB toma
  19. Good day today hope tomorrow is the same :)

  20. But if u leave PERMITION some daft c..t will go and see farmer and say he will do it had before have not been out yet but going to start phoning them to say will pop up shortly cos lost two pitches last year through some d..k head saying he would do it all year round : (
  21. Very good looking dog mate and nice pics to with it toma
  22. Farmers are all poor same as churches need money for roof how many roofs do churches need
  23. Mint mate looks had good day ATB toma
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