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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Welcome mate doing the same with me sone in most field sports good to start them young ATB toma
  2. Hello mate and welcome to the forum ATB toma
  3. Same here I no I'm shit what I wright as I've said not good at this but no what I no and that il do me lol thanks mate
  4. So ho is wright or wrong to buy or to make does it make a difference in the way that the rabbit is snared does it do it any more sustained death I think no so there
  5. Was asking paulas if what he uses are bought or hand made and do they do the same job ? or do mean the other bit sorry just type and dont look as u can tell before I post lol
  6. So u make your own mate are there bought one and do they cause your rabbits any more harm ? Cos in no this as my normal bull shit I say I come from a family of hunting eg uncle grandfather how I got the the tip off I don't just jump in Things can not back what I say bud I'm I wrong ?
  7. These are good and affective snares tried and tested I've done it since I was 13 they do exactly as bought snare and no different and how would it cause any more harm to a rabbit that is being choked to death buy a bought one does a bought one kill it out right no ?
  8. In short paulus council own the land but not attending to it she rents it and she has give me PERMITION to ferret and shoot on it but were do I stand in the legal side of things mate ?
  9. Hi I have PERMITION off a lady ho I clean here windows for she has 3 large paducts she has give permition to ferret which I've done last season I've been today and it's which with rabbits I wish to shoot on it but the the prob is that it needs to be shooting this time off year as the sets are over grown but the concil own the lad could do with some help and info in which I stand cos she says that I can shoot ATB toma
  10. Did not to mention tie for the top to use another picture hanger and a shoe lace and bend the metal at the top to make a loop to tie to most things and can even be Peg down
  11. Hi all I see all the time about wanted snares I've tried all different types off materials since I used to go snaring when I was 13 cos I did not have enough money to buy them at that age cos was a while ago so thought I'd try brass picture hanging wire which I found to be affective or stripping cable out off 3 core electricians wire and twisted them but did not rate them that good then found u can use brake cable off bikes eg mountain bmx all the same then go to shop and get a picture hanging hook and slot the leaded end through the hole then twist the rest into a loop with a pair off pointy
  12. No we all use sling shot best form off hunting I can take a rabbit down at 45 to 50 yards ATB tome
  13. Welcome mate u will get lots of help on here ATB toma
  14. nice film mate good to see the north east lads are doing it large ATB toma
  15. im wonting to do it have a expert van same as yours ive ast the local lads how i could make it to go in and out its not an easy job have drop the tank and move every thing away then put thredded studs in so seat goes in and can bolted down then seat belt to be fitted but the bad news is it has to go into VOSA cos its not worth getting it done unless they have inspected it and then u have to imform your insuranse company ive got drivers seat with arm reat out off one and hopeing to get it fittied if u have any joy let me no toma
  16. done mate and all the best toma
  17. O what a glories morning o what a glories day avi got this wonderful feeling something is coming my way ?

    1. stabba


      i much prefer a GLORIOUS morning meself lol

    2. Simoman


      Or just stay on the forum all day?

    3. tomano1


      but rabbits like basking in the sun this time off year were i go there allways out after tea or might just stay in garden inflateable castle is up says ages 5 to8 wor lass says im not aloud to play on it ?

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  18. O what a glories morning o what a glories day avi got this wonderful feeling something is coming my way ?

  19. Well this is the place to put a post like that cos every one will keep a look out hope it turns up soon mate then it will be a happy ending to your loss ATB toma
  20. Nice pics mate the birds nest is that your hut at the bottom off your garden lol
  21. Welcome to the sight mate ATB toma
  22. What lovely day today I must say but me back is saying oooooooooooch good job us gateshead lads are hard lol

    1. paulus


      even when there in befordshire..lol

    2. tomano1


      No mate me blood is thicker than that pure old folder the heart off Gateshead

  23. What a lovely day today must say but me back is saying something oooooooooooooooch going to be saw tomorrow bit us goodies are hard lol :)

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