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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Check out me post on make in your own mate see if it's any good to u ATB TOMA
  2. Life isn't mad go away for a couple of days come back feeling like a new man :)

  3. tomano1


    Pmsfl mate good one liked it
  4. To love honour and obey the wife or the dog I'm weighing up how does it better x

  5. Nice pics moll and dog looks in good shape as said offer getting moles and permittion will follow good stuff Hun
  6. Dogs out doors just the same as women they will still love honour and obey lol
  7. What a good time with family and kids but god it's nice to get back on the THL think I'm addicted lol :)

    1. Lab


      I'm going to try and get on here a bit more often too.....lol

    2. Lab


      I'm going to try and get on here a bit more often too.....lol

    3. tomano1


      Ye ye ye ye ye ye

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  8. couple of hours graft then im up to sandy bay little break but dont worry lads ill still be on im taken i pad x

  9. this is right im sorting shooting permittion out the lads on here have backed it up im in the same boat as land owner is not the the the persion how is renting and she has said yes if it is in the small print than they will keep the land pest free it is yours mate TOMA ATB
  10. just one thing to ad as your first post was the best one to come in with mate evey day is a learning day
  11. Hi all I got PERMITION to shoot 22 riffle on a lady's land and I was wondering about getting her to sign a declaration form for her to sign could do with a hand on what to write so it covers me I'll expect some f..king daft one but will use the that like paulus and stabs and simoman would use any advice would be great full TOMA
  12. Off to the docs for me health check could not be leave it when I ast last year for one and got really your to young got to wait till your 40 WTF I replied so a car need a service every year but I've had to wait till now WTF

    1. tomano1


      F..king smoking is blow 24 on carbon test that's bad that had HIV check few years ago as normal when the government say u have been a noughty boy and u have a holiday HMP lol

    2. paulus


      hm prison bedford....lol

    3. tomano1


      No Durham but when was younger before I seen the light it was bright but I got through to the other end and have never looked back lol

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  13. Hope every thing goes to plan mate ATB TOMA
  14. Nice shooting and good pics mate TOMA
  15. Nice footage mate like the fire power u guys have. looked like a productive night
  16. There maken me trip Kay and that's with out haveing any acid caps but real nice pics lol
  17. tomano1


    F..king palus is that u mate f..k u can fly mate
  18. I'll come GRCH I'm only 13 and would like to give it ago would pay for me train fair mate pmsl
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