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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Got mine a tread mill with rabbit in front it lol only joking what good peace of kit your have mate
  2. Had me son out got his first rabbit this afternoon he is buzzing and so I'm I for him xxxxx

    1. PIL


      Nice one tomo , like father like son :)

    2. ferretess


      Here's too many more


  3. Had me son out got his first rabbit this afternoon he is buzzing and so I'm I for him xxxxx

  4. tought there was soeting going on loads off police on road to sheids and people its carring the touch

  5. up and ready put some snares than auction

  6. ive pmed u about your hob u in concett what is he poal cat or white ?
  7. is it it just a test for them when i first started all i got was daft s..t but now u get loads off help and advice but should give them a chance cos we were young long time ago
  8. Well one bunny in the snare took me son he is getting bang into it good good :)

    1. StevoSmith


      Always good to see the youth doing what Man should be doing

    2. tomano1


      was good mate never snared for a very long time was good put seven out and one in the snare going at first light tomorrow to do a bit shooting only a little pich but all the sets are on the railway lines so that all i can do but he has more land so see how it goes ?

  9. What plate is it on buy the time u have sorted it u could have got a cheap car mate:)
  10. Good few days now the s..t again going to put some old clothes on and go and set some snares on new permittion

  11. Good going mate hpoe to be out this weekend with me gun and pop a few off ATB TOMA
  12. Nice pics off fire power mate and sounds like your liking the way it's running ATB TOMA
  13. Poo smells like animal right guy here trying to bait the THL guy watch out lol pmsl and all that
  14. How was artic palus calls me him must have been a good lad or was the brush just have in a laugh cos he said I started up when he left ?
  15. Thanks mate for the comment one bitch named codies delight kc name but just goes buy codie she is one of me pups I breed me self few years ago
  16. Just saw it mate it was a staff or some sort off breed but I have staff in me gallery and some guy off here says what is it crossed with she is a pure bred staff kc don't think that dog looked like much off a threat to me was good looking dog same as mine ripped to death and same as your dogs my dogs hate is them f..king cats that walk past me run and say f..k u dog u can not get me and of a bird then your plucked if you go in
  17. Looks like a right good day there mate good read pics and vids ATB TOMA
  18. Snaring has probes been the most controversial thing in hunting animals it all ways causes a steer cos the pain and surfing to animals but it probes been going on since man discovered snaring as a easy way to catch there food but life has really changed in these days don't do it much now I used it all the time when younger and caught a multitude of animals
  19. Welcome to the sight mate ATB TOMA
  20. Not as clever as palus I'll have to learn to do it mate thick as pigs s..t byt the dimension I can give u hight 13inch width 10 inch buy 5inches with two straps like ruck sack a meta flip top lid thane use fork nails to a tach mesh good little piece of kit I'll ask the big brush on how to put it on cos I'll have learn just got a spit with welded bar to it wht a tool any good to u ?
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