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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. F..king he'll it's bloody windy tonight battin down the hatches sounds like 20 to 30 and picking up might just pop out with stunt kite bloody good weather

    1. tomano1


      It would have been better if I'd wrote different but thats me carnet put a proper sentence together lol :)

    2. paulus


      of cause not lol

    3. tomano1
    4. Show next comments  54 more
  2. F..king he'll it's bloody windy tonight battin down the hatches sounds like 20 to 30 and picking up might just pop out with stunt kite bloody good weather

  3. Not going any were i live it's getting up to 20 30 mile winds
  4. See if this nice lady will sign me shooting declaration form hope she does then I'll be bunny bopping this weekend

  5. See if this nice lady will sign me shooting declaration form hope she does then I'll be bunny bopping this weekend

  6. Good right up andy so had a good laugh at the poachers should have had a game with them
  7. Never herd of this but it's something I just learnt so your never to old learn ATB TOMA
  8. Good right up mate plz follow up with some pics for us
  9. I've just some new PERMITION there was loads got two been there couple of times now and there is not as many think there in hides just laughing at me but I never give up I'll get them not be beaton buy Roger the rabbit
  10. tomano1

    Appleby fair

    Ment to say chains pinched
  11. tomano1

    Appleby fair

    Never been but most people have horses in my area so here a lot about it some good but some bad like me pall got his chains got tethering down horse down
  12. what a mint night never seen so many foxses shot in one night ATB TOMA
  13. what about the selectors might be slighty off ?
  14. Finest wire wool that u can get that's what used and com up a treat
  15. Welcome mate it I'll be good to get back into ATB TOMA
  16. just been waching bargin hunt and was an old pigeon decoy battery oparated was going to fetch 800 pound

  17. just been waching bargin hunt and was an old pigeon decoy battery oparated was going to fetch 800 pound

  18. That's the windows a wash out going to have a look into some thing else

  19. That's the windows a wash out going to have a look into some thing else

  20. That's the windows a wash out going to have a look into some thing else

  21. Same here mate not good for windows going to buy some gear to drives and patieos cos I can not take much more off this shit weather window cleaning all washed me thinks
  22. Mint mate love t.ts nice birds morning what's the weather like down the shed ?
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