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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. What's on my mind is it going to p..s down or are we going to get away with it today ?

    1. tomano1
    2. paulus


      lab...lol the art of interrogation....lol

    3. PIL


      Paulus make your fecking mind up you started calling me Artic .lol. Did Artic leave or was he pushed ?

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  2. What's on my mind is it going to p..s down or are we going to get away with it today ?

  3. Fleck off brush I'm not bighting had a hard days graft and when I got the news I'm a nice guy but when I get angery it's explosive ATB SHRECK lol
  4. No not sucking her tits or going to stark them or shoot there dogs bang must been miss understud it has been resolved name of them was put forward so she is going to sort it don't get is wrong it's not the point there not looking are respecting it what if one was in foal then it would have been worse horse has been moved
  5. I'll have a go at my two and I'll have a a look at yours the meter is red mohganey and the air spotter is brown mahogany and I'll see some one to put me pics up for is cos I'm shit at that lol
  6. Like them mate what is the last one made of wood the one with the strap on it ?
  7. Ee stabba is on one I'm off me like lol
  8. No mate do it right and take a deposit and get to sign a form to say the dog u are buying will be ready at such a time and get them to sign it if there full off s..t then they won't leave a deposit and are just time wasters a declaration form ATB TOMA
  9. Cos it has been seen it is visible from the main road the lady was contacted and it was reported I'm there to do a job and save the owner some respect how is ever doing it is showing no respect any good hope your not think I'm being funny but it's got me pi.t off about it ?
  10. Hi I've got two old BSA 22 one is a meteor and the other is a air sporter I'm going to do them up and do a before and after question they both have a about an 6 mill hole and the end off the barrel is it for an inverted silencer cos the sportier has a threaded hole at the end I've looked under BSA and it's looks like a large silencer nearly the size off the barrel any advice ? TOMA
  11. life is a leson u learn buy your own mistakes mate u got a while yet just do the basics first atb toma
  12. One rule for me and f..k the rest no one going on my pitch it's like me window cleaning I'll get u lol
  13. Don't start with me lab .warning. lol something to do with it's leg it's been running away from the dogs and went over think I've found them see how it goes mmmmmmmmmmm! bang !
  14. Charley be nice he is a new be go knocking mate or make up a leaflet saying what sort off hunting u won't to do and hand them out to local farms ATB mate from the farmers weekly lol
  15. Lol that's not u u put a post up the other day off tour 2 dogs lol I'm going to sort this out though lady is forming she sat it was me so let's see if there on here cos this situation will be delt with
  16. Ho ever is poaching in the swawell area with two lurchers in Camo gear has just cost the land owner 300 pound in vet bills if u are on here u no ho u are this has been noted to the local police and so rounding people so there is a watch on this area and if I see u it will be delt with buy me TOMA
  17. Just been to see lady how I got permittion off and she has signed me shooting permittion form so that's two woop woop chicken soup :)

    1. tomano1


      oooooo ye pil just got some better slugs and going to look into a hide this weekend its going to have to be water proof lol

    2. paulus


      talking to yourself is the first signs or so im told....lol

    3. tomano1


      Does no harm talking to your self u can think and solve a lot off problems out and no one needs to no :)

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  18. Is not scratching like ?
  19. stabba your not doing a becca on us now are u we some form of intertainment lol
  20. life what a funny thing when your up its mint but when your going down its just as good lol

  21. :laugh: :laugh: not your falt should have been ast to be born in newcastle
  22. ill huff and puff and blow your house down brushy lol were still no1
  23. were ever u go u will allways find a geordie but all ways take us with a pinch off salt
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