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Everything posted by huntmark

  1. What about dromoland castle give them a try. There birds were always great quality. Not sure if they do partridge though
  2. Thats absolutely brilliant you would have to look twice at that its so lifelike
  3. Thats ideal and perfect for carrying about on a shoot day. Also not to expensive should you loose it
  4. Even when there is a cull chances are you won't know about it anyway
  5. Good pics some cracking dogs you have there
  6. As a kid my grandparents always had lurchers. There was a lurcher running rough for a while in the area left behind by tinkers. It was eventually caught and they took it on. Took a bit of work to get her right as she had a bad dose of mange. She turned into a good moocher for me and my grandad (wouldn't do anything for anyone else except go for a walk) took fox and hare no problem (pre ban). The only thing we couldn't change was her food protection which was a bit of an issue with grandchildren in and out all the time but he used to feed her in the evening when no one was around. Great loyal
  7. Ground softening up nice now around wicklow but wish all these badgers would feck of and stop using my permission as a playground and frightening all the bunnies
  8. The only bull cross for that would be a hereford bull cross greyhound. Say they would dig some size hole and those front teeth would be the same size as a meat cleaver lol
  9. Try going to the dentist in Ireland. Cost me 349 for one tooth removed and two tiny cavities filled nearly fecking killed him
  10. Great thanks I will pass that on couldn't remember the name thanks
  11. Hey can anyone tell me the name of the jab to bring bitches out of season please. A friend has a great dane but slso has a male dog which both live indoors so its hsrd to keep them apart. Thanks
  12. Went out last night for a walk on the golf course with the young lurcher for a look about. He just under a year now and behaved very well fot his first time. Saw a few rabbits but nothing worth letting him have a run on but I was pleased with the way he watched the beem and stayed alert the whole time. Then billy badger decided to run about and send everything packing. Can't wait for next time hopefully get him a run or two. Forgot the feeling being out and about on the lamp its great
  13. There's a lot of those feckers over here. If you go to birr game fair there are shit loads of puppies in crates for sale including lurchers, terriers, beagles etc. Just feckers out to make a quick buck
  14. You remind me of my grandad when I was younger. Spent hours out walking with the dog mooching never came home empty handed with the collie greyhound. Most novices woulf do well to have a dog half as good as yours
  15. Make a nice knife pouch instead of boots. Maybe an idea:-)
  16. If you mean runner beans you need to put some good compost or manure in the ground before planting. Always dig a trench and fill it in before you plant them it works wonders
  17. Good video enjoyed watching that. Best I've seen credit to the camera man
  18. Looking for a few jill and a hob kit in the Gloucestershire area must be ready for the 16th june as in over for a wedding. Thanks
  19. Seen him on donedeal a few time show bred not workers
  20. f***ing dipshit dogs dont shrink as they get older. Prepared to try a pup at 7 month old but this one too hard for you
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