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Everything posted by NickStrowbridge

  1. Thanks for the head up, but i already have, I'm a member of BASC and I've read through the VCRA, there is nothing in it about being able to alter the power of an air rifle or any laws relating to this, obviously it state 12FPE but we all already know that. I want to read up on the laws as i read alot on the forum and there is so much contradicting information. Still need pointing in the right direction, if anyone has any more info it would be appriecated.
  2. I'm not doubting you but i would like to have a read through the laws/rules myself can you tell me where you got your information please.
  3. Not wanting to open a can of worms but reading this thread there seems to be two very different 'opinions'. Does anyone know for a FACT that it is illegal to be able to alter your air rifle power, i have searched the Internet and all i have managed to find is that the rifle should not be over 12ft lb and the buck stops with the current owner, no word about be able to alter the power. This is the first thread i have read where people are saying its illegal to be able to alter the power, i am just wondering can anyone point me in the right direction to read this factual information for m
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