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Bunny Boiler

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Everything posted by Bunny Boiler

  1. Superb write up. Fancy a day out like that myself. Still trying to get into the right crowd though. Introducing myself to the hunting scene is a pain. Parents take no interest in it, but I'm getting there. Atb, Bunny.
  2. Let her work with the mother too. I find that often helps with mine. Ferrets tend to "stick together", but what this really means is that they will stay in close proximity of one another. Once the mum starts to chase a rabbit, the kit will follow and get the hang of it. Also, I find ferrets gain more natural instinct after about a year old. Always much better in the second season. ATB, Bunny.
  3. Bit harsh? He's brand new and you're insulting him for no reason... Sort of makes you look like an idiot to be honest... Bunny.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay! ATB, Bunny.
  5. I'm looking to buy a hunting jacket of any sort, for anything up to about £25-£30 including postage. Send me a PM with a picture and a price and I'll let you know what I think. I'm a large, so try and make it that size. Thanks very much, Bunny.
  6. It's probably too large photo. Try and scale the size down on the photo you want. ATB, Bunny
  7. Hey Guys and gals. Not really using my S200 any more, so I'm going to post it and see if I can get a nice offer on it. What the sale consists of is: Air Arms Mk2 S200 Rifle Simmons White tail 3.5x10x40 scope Hill pump - http://www.wonderlan...air-rifle-pump/ Gunslip Good Condition, just needs a bit of gun oil on the bolt as it can stick once in a while. This will be for pick up only really unless you live local to Oxford, then dropping it off may be an option for me. Excuse the poor quality, my camera is a bit shit. http://imageshack.us.../imag0204l.jpg/ - the album
  8. Hey guys and gals, Just looking for some land/friends in the Oxfordshire area that perhaps had some land that we could ferret. I have a fair amount quite far from home, but I would like some closer to home and easier to access. If this meant going out with you on land you ferret yourself, or going out with myself and a few friends, I do not mind. If you know of anyone who may want ferreting done, also, please let me know. ATB and thanks, Bunny.
  9. Build me a house? I fancy moving out, and wouldn't mind living somewhere like that. I could live with my ferrets then. Bunny.
  10. Pup? o.O I don't have one. Confused much.... Care to explain? Cheers, Bunny. Sorry mate, your user name is similar to someone who has a litter sister to mine. My mistake. You're talking about Bunnybolter right? It's fine, easy mistake to make. Might see if I can change my name with Admin, it's a little bit too similar... Bunny.
  11. Pup? o.O I don't have one. Confused much.... Care to explain? Cheers, Bunny.
  12. We'd had this planned from the night before. I'd been up with the Billy hook (Slasher for those who don't know) and taken down the large amounts of bushes and hedges that were concealing the bunny holes. The day was crisp, the ground crunchy and the frost settling in well with the sun slowly warming the ground. We set our first bury just after 10AM, A late start by my standards, but my friends seem less eager. The nets were done, and as I was about to set the last net, FOX! I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw the tail... Billy hook in hand (we don't take guns ferreting), and odd looks fr
  13. Taking Bernard-squishy and Ruby out this morning. Rabbits galore? Touch wood.

  14. Taking Bernard-squishy and Ruby out this morning. Rabbits galore? Touch wood.

  15. Welcome! Ferreting is easily the best way to get into the hunting scene for someone young and teenage. Keep at it. Be sure to read the ferreting stories on the home page. They're good inspiration and examples, as well as being able to teach you a few tricks. It was one of the first things I did. Hope you have a good experience here, Bunny.
  16. I disagree. I had a similar one to this, and I found that my DPM (Disruptive pattern material) worked better with a scrim for my face. They seemed to be slightly confused and be intrigued by what was moving towards them... That is until I slap them with my .22 Air arms S200. But then again, I don't sit in bushes waiting, I walk around, so that may be why the ghillie wasn't great. Hope it works for you! Bunny.
  17. I pay £10 each for mine and make sure I know the background, parents, home environment and age. I get mine from a friend. Anywhere up to £20 depending on how well worked they are. Make sure they're nice and clean, don't have injuries that are unlikely to properly heal or be of concern such as a limp. Cuts are fine and natural in working Ferts. I would rather pay that extra tenner for a fert I know is from working background and is more likely to be a beauty than one that doesn't know shit. Bunny.
  18. That's the best day we had. Very well done warrens, 3 or 4 ferrets in each time and their was 5 of us setting and working. I think we had 3 missed. Not had a day like it since. The population around me is booming. Nobody deals with them like in more "Rural" areas such as Wales, Scotland or Yorkshire. Oxfordshire is very "quiet" on the hunting scene. It is a bit of a struggle to find hunts, shoots and ferreters in my area. I've had to train my friends in order to take them out at weekends. Oh, and by "Getting a second dog?" I mean I wouldn't be able to get a working dog. My domestic dog i
  19. Off out with the Carpet sharks tomorrow. :D

  20. Lots of permission probably about 300 acres, which for the amount I do and the amount of rabbits on it is a lot. We had 32 in just over an hour a few weekends back, but no dog. I'm only 17, still in education and doing it as weekend sport. The mother wouldn't let me get ferrets, but she went on holiday and didn't take me. They soon moved in to the back garden the day after she left. Getting a second dog though? That's a no no. Will look into getting one as I get more into the hunting scene and get older and more responsible. I like keeping it simple anyway, less to worry about. Bunny
  21. I know. Been at it since Summer this year. Recently moved house. It's a good lark. Some tough ground though.... Bunny.
  22. Out towards RAF Brize Norton Where all the Re-pats come in. Very sad. Been to both that have come in through there now. People line the road all the way to the JR in Oxford (22 miles) and it's amazing, but emotional to watch.
  23. Get good at shooting, killing and hunting. I assume you're talking mostly about air rifling bunnies? Document everything you kill. Photos are best. That way, when you bump into the land owner, you can tell him/her how well you've done on their land. If you do well, they will talk to people, people will talk to you, you gain more land. It's like a giant snowball. I moved house recently and gained some work with a local farmer. He got to know me, and within a month, I had the majority of his fields, after only starting with his garden and taking 7 out in the space of 40 minutes. I told him how w
  24. Have you named your ferrets? If so, what did you call them? What type of ferret are they? Does their name suit their attitude/looks? Hoping this will be quite interesting as mine are ridiculous... I would also like to point out, I was bullied into naming them these names by a female friend of mine... And she wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed. Both of mine are albino jills, and one is called "Bernard-squishy", while the other is called "Ruby". I now have another addition to my Ferret family. I have a sandy jill called Acorn. How cute is that name? The girl I bought it off a
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