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Bunny Boiler

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Everything posted by Bunny Boiler

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Frontline-Spray-Dogs-and-Cats-100-cc-FREE-SHIPMENT-/170848688899?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Dogs&hash=item27c7601b03#ht_646wt_1344 This one will last ages. Couple of sprays on each ferret. Also, if you clean their hutch completely you can spray the bedding area with it and reset it all. They'll lay in the bedding and also the bedding will be clear of fleas. Atb, Bunny.
  2. ebay tends to be quite cheap Or get it off a vet if you know one who will swipe it from the shelf. atb, Bunny.
  3. I have now caught 2 Jay birds, over the course of 2 days, in a mk4 and mk6 Fenn. Anyone else come across this? And before flamers come in, my Fenns were pegged, Tunnels were long enough and the birds had to of climbed in. The one in the mk6 was caught around the middle and killed, the mk4 was caught on the legs and dispatched by myself. I know the tunnels were long enough, because the bird that was alive had tried to escape, but was pegged and was STILL inside the tunnel when the chain was at full length. Cheers, Bunny
  4. I have always lived by a saying that if you don't ask, you don't get. So, I am going to put my name out there, just in case, and for anyone who will assume that this is my only attempt at getting a job, you are wrong. I am looking for a summer Job, from the end of June until September around Oxford if I am required to travel. I am studying game keeping at College, and would like the work experience (Doesn't have to be game keeping, any outdoor job will do). Anyone who is able to offer me, or knows an estate or pest business that would like a hand, please get in touch so that I may pass on
  5. It's a study done though Hartpury college and UWE. It wasn't huge... It only spanned about 5 months, with a groups of 25 of different traps... e.g 25 Fenns, 25 Kania's, 25 live catch traps etc. Why are you getting so hung up? All I'm saying is that rafts can be used to trap. Atb, Bunny.
  6. I'd imagine the study was done where mink probably would be present....for example a good food source available. I dont think they set the rafts on the water fountains on the high street. Amen. I see someone has a little bit of outward thinking. The study was set on the river Severn, just up from Gloucester. Not only were Fenns introduced for humane dispatch, we also placed live catch traps down for live examination. The study was on behaviour, and effective methods of control. So, best places to set traps, best trap to use, best bait, etc. Although all baits are pretty good, someone d
  7. Yes, it is a muzzle. Stops the ferret getting hold of the rabbit. Means no digging. Atb, Bunny.
  8. You said that a mink raft only tells you if mink are in the area. It's not strictly true. Yes, they do tell you if mink are in the area, but you can also trap on a raft... Bunny.
  9. How big are the mink around your way fella???????????...there is no rocket science when trapping mink just byt there curious and predatory nature they are easy caught a sqirrel or rat cage trap with the front end of a rabbit as bait why use a mink raft they are only to tellyou if mink are in the area and he already knows that Not strictly true. A friend and I did a study into mink. We used an old deep cake baking tray with foam oasis in and clay on top on a mink raft to test for mink, then once signs were found, we were replacing the clay with Fenn Traps and baiting them up. Mink are c
  10. Build your own, or start from a shed and modify. Best way to go about it. Mine is an old aviary which I placed a small rabbit hutch into and I just leave the hutch permanently open so they can enter and exit as pleased. I put windshields in and tunnels, with a half pipe running across the corner where I occasionally place food to make them climb and work for it. I also have both carry boxes laid open in the cage so they can go into them and use them for shelter etc. This is also a benefit as they'er used to the boxes then. Hope this helps, and I'll try and upload a picture asap. Atb,
  11. They're 3 days overdue IF they were pregnant by the 26th. Gestation is 42 days and the egg can take a day or two to fertilise if the hob was removed on the 26th, bringing it to the 28th, making them only a day overdue at most also. I wouldn't worry to much as long as the mothers look okay. Phantoms can often result in birthing a blob of slim or similar which they may or may not eat. Just keep an eye out of the next few days and make sure they're getting the required amount of food and drink they need and they should be okay. Atb, Bunny
  12. RUSHED to hospital? Dying of blood loss? Lost a limb? Been in a fire? No. A ferret bit me. Surely if they really "feared" this SAVAGE animal, one of these hunky brave and life risking firefighters should of just put it under their foot until the poor 'ickle baby and mother could run away? One word for the Sun. Pathetic.
  13. The problem I have is separating them... I'm at college and want the kits, but I can't separate them easily. The cage is an old aviary and is huge though, with plenty of space... I can walk in it... Would this affect me splitting them up?
  14. So, my Jills are set to give birth in about a week, and I was wondering if I should remove the hob from the Jills and their kits? This is my first litter and want to know is it safe to leave him in with them? Also, at what age should I start handling them? I want to make sure they're well handled, but don't want to put the mother off tending to them. Cheers, Bunny.
  15. No, this isn't a topic about digging out your ferret on a lay up, but more about ferrets digging under wire! A few friends and I were talking and I mentioned wanting to build a large run, with wird sides and top, but leaving the base open. Would the dig under the sides of the cage? Or is it best to wire the bottom too? Atb, Bunny
  16. Didn't read all of the posts because after the first page, there seemed to be a lot of trolling, but I study at Hartpury College (Gloucester) on the Game course. It's a level 3 Extended or Subsidiary BTEC. It's available to all ages over 16 and you can rent accommodation on site or travel in. Check it on Google. it's a very respectable college and best of all, is full of equine birds. Atb, Bunny
  17. Used to have a lot of land around brize norton and Burford, but recently moved into Oxford, would love to try and get out with anyone local to the city. Cheers, Bunny.
  18. I do mine at the end of the day. It's swings and roundabouts. Gutting as you catch them carries benefits such as them being lighter, the stomach not being so swollen and the meat almost definitely not being tainted, but it carries downsides such as ferrets/dogs being attracted to smell, a source of contamination etc. On the other hand, it also holds benefits to gut them at the end. This includes the skin being slightly more "leathery" and easier to puncture with a knife, also, cold guts or semi warm are less likely to tear as you pull them out and there is no way the rabbits are going to b
  19. Good idea guys. Thanks very much. Bunny.
  20. Hi all, Now, usually I'm quite intelligent (I hope) and can fix up a solution to most things if they pose a problem. However, I'm stumped on this one. I am using bottle feeders to provide water for my ferrets and I can prevent the water in the actual bottle freezing by placing a thick sock over the bottle, but the ball bearing in the nozzle keeps freezing still, stopping the flow of water. I have thought about replacing the bottle all together, but a dish will be just the same with the top freezing over. What do you all do? Atb, Bunny.
  21. Which part of Wiltshire? I'm on the Border of Glos. Berk. Oxf. and Wilts, so if you're out towards me the drop me a PM.
  22. Just make sure you ask for a free day as payment Atb, Bunny.
  23. A good write up mate. Some good pictures. Massive fan of me going head first into that dig for just one rabbit. Hope to see you again soon, Bunny.
  24. Is this the one you were telling me about Mike? Atb, B.
  25. I have land leased to a farmer by the MOD. It was where the lights for the runway extended into. I had some armed MOD police come out once, but once I explained that I'd been granted permission and they spoke to the farmer, they left me to it and I've never had any bother since. I was only shooting an Air rifle mind. I was within the law. Atb, Bunny.
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