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Bunny Boiler

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Everything posted by Bunny Boiler

  1. Like I say. Bury the ring slightly so it holds to the dirt while the sliding ring purses the net, will work in either direction, both back netting and "normal" netting, so instead of having to pick, you can have both reasons rolled into one, and bag EVEN more bunnies. As well as the above reason, burying the ring allows the ferrets to pass through the purse net without disturbing it as much, assuming the ferret can actually fit through the mesh. Atb, BB
  2. The reason for your way is that the rabbit steps on the net to prevent it moving, so that the ring that moves purses the net. It means if a rabbit creeps out, instead of bolting fast, it still bags, where as if you just lay it on, it's likely to lift the net if it slowly leaves. I do neither however, I push the ring in to the mud, which acts the same as the rabbit stepping on it and holding it in place.
  3. Try a heavier nylon net. Tangle is good for catching bunnies. Not good if you are ferreting somewhere with alot of brambles or floor growth. I dont deny that poly nets that are hand made are better, but for bulk purchase, a 10z nylon is as good as any IMHO. Atb, BB
  4. Just seen your status. Didn't realise you'd posted bigdog. Here's another few: "My Jimmy Savile advent calendar is shit. The flaps only open from 1-16" "Mitt Romney spent $800m on not becoming president of the USA. I spent 65p and got the same result, except I have a Mars Bar." "So Kate Middleton is pregnant.. I thought that it was government policy to discourage people who don't work from having kids."
  5. So Tulisa's new album has flopped... She must have tried to suck it off.

    1. ferretville


      Na she is 2 busy suckin danny simpson off [bANNED TEXT] lol

  6. This one should be right up your street lads. I called the RSPCA today and said, "I've just found a suitcase in the woods containing a fox and four cubs." "That's terrible," she replied. "Are they moving?" "I'm not sure, to be honest," I said, "But that would explain the suitcase."
  7. As title says. It is second hand. Works fine. No cosmetic damage, just the joy stick grips are SLIGHTLY worn, but not badly. 20 quid plus p&p.
  8. 30 quid and i'll pay postage is now the asking price. Let me know people.
  9. Went and peeked on the ferrets this morning as normal, check the water bottles, feed, clean the corners, etc. To find my hob lying in the hammock outside the bedding area. Think he must of known it was time, because he was curled up with the jills when i checked them at half 11 before i went to bed last night. Such a shame, but he was starting to struggle. Think I'll hang fire on replacing him until next season when I get out of college and have more free time.
  10. Never been a politician, but Cameron is a dick. I'm quite a few hold an opinion similar to this, but aren't politicians either.
  11. Meh. Wondered if it had been before. Hence me asking.
  12. I wonder how many of them believed in ghosts after that experience. Pmsl.
  13. Is it worth me writing up a short explanation of what people need to be doing before considering purchasing, acquiring or even thinking about owning ferrets? ALOT of posts in this section are based on people asking what they would need to do because they've never owned a ferret, but I would only really write it if it would get pinned, because then it doesn't just scroll off and die, and people who fail to use the search function would never find it. Let me know, and then I'll pull up a draft, you lot can take a butchers, add to it etc. Cheers fellas.
  14. Got a constant food source in there, like biscuits? Then you can top it up with the more "meaty" stuff as normal. Ferrets have a short digestive system, so little, alot is the general rule, but leaving meat in there can become smelly, so that's why I have biscuits, then take the biscuits out when you put a leg of rabbit or a few livers in there, then just place the biscuits back. Throw in some extra protein and crack two or three eggs on top of the biscuits. Makes the biscuits softer and also, the stinkers go mad for it! If it's not a food problem, then make sure the hobs aren't fighting o
  15. Looking for about 35 mate as they're going fast on ebay for about 45-50 second hand.
  16. Do any of you pheasant shoot/beat? You could argue that they are "canned pheasants" for they are kept captive until they are of an age where they can be released, and even then, some of you will say "but at least they have a chance to escape". Well i say think about this. They want to survive. Where is the food source? Oh yes. Wherever you choose to place your hoppers. Do any of you fish on a stocked lake? "Canned fish" I'm afraid. Sorry lads. Looks like we had all best hang up our flat caps. Hunting is off the menu.
  17. I've also seen a big fat ginger tabby cat bolted into a long net. Was ferreting hedgerows with a few lads off here and the dogs were marking the hedge because it kept moving down the hedge, then it ran out straight into the long net. Tangle up a treat!
  18. Once dug a fox in a small two hole earth that we spooked down when out ferreting. Did you slap it one or did it run off with your net? Atb BB
  19. Is it predominantly it's tail that is malted, making it look like a rats tail? Or the whole back end? Pictures may be helpful. ATB, Bunny.
  20. As said, Make me an offer. Almost new. Been worn 2 or 3 times. ALSO ACCEPTING FERRETING GEAR TRADES, PM ME WITH AN OFFER Size is a medium (fits my fatty 34 waist comfortably. Would still fit a 36). Can pay by Paypal for p&p too or payment on collection from Oxford.
  21. As said, I have 2 old Game keepers Jackets for sale. ALSO ACCEPTING FERRETING GEAR TRADES, PM ME WITH AN OFFER First one is worn, but in very good condition. It is a "Chris Dawes Vintage Tweed". No rips or damage. Will fit someone of a Medium to Large build (There is no size inside and it's just a touch too small for me, and I'm a large). Looking for people to offer on it and pay p&p or collect from Oxford. PM or comment if interested. The Second Jacket This Jacket isn't branded, so I don't know what to label it as. It has a small amount of damage t
  22. Population graphs are waves. They have peaks and troughs. They'll always bounce back. Versatile lil' buggers rabbits are! And flooding will only kill off a few. Most rabbits will move out before drowning and nest above ground until it drains.
  23. Shame mate, but sometimes its for the best. Atb BB
  24. Even though she bites, do you manage to get the collar on? If so, keep going at it. And put it on her daily and let her play with it on. If your not even getting it on, try putting a small amount of olive oil on her belly and wait until she is licking it off, then try putting the collar on. Again, keep doing until she is used to it. Atb BB
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