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Bunny Boiler

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Everything posted by Bunny Boiler

  1. Where in Gloucestershire are ya bud? I know plenty of lads that would love a day on the rats, which does you a favour too. Wouldn't mind having a go out on the .410 myself if I can get out there bud. Let me know.
  2. Mk4 is slightly smaller. I would use a mk4 for the smaller vertebrates as it means it won't bounce them out of the jaws. Some people may disagree however.
  3. Sounds like a fairly decent population. Keep smoking them, keep traps out. Mk4's may prove more helpful. Also, poison may help. Sometimes its not always a problem of killing them, but stopping them living. By this i mean you may need to tidy up. All living things need 3 things. Shelter, food and water. Remove two of these and you make the rats either die or move on. Get you chicken feeders/drinkers off the floor. Remove any place they may want to live, such as old feed bags, hay bales etc. Any spilled grain or wheat, tidy it up. Worse case scenario, ask a professional opinion. These are all th
  4. In theory, as long as it pulls behind the rabbit and the cord can move freely, i see no reason as to why not. It might make setting it harder though. Someone who has tried it might be able to shed more light however.
  5. Army day sack. Side pockets for locators, cable ties, spare pegs, wire cutters and spare batteries. Padded shoulders make it feel like a feather. Then stinkers in a box with a seatbelt strap and a padded seatbelt wrap for comfort. Collapsable army shovel in the day sack too. Brilliant set up. Everything you need.
  6. So after being a true gent so you could prove him wrong, turns out he was nearest and wins! Only 2 caught.....mhopton said 3 :whistling: Rob190364 said two :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: Rob was the one doing the ferreting mate. he doesnt count!
  7. So after being a true gent so you could prove him wrong, turns out he was nearest and wins!
  8. Also mate, instead of lipping the bottom ring into the hole, push it into the mud. This has the same technique for pursing the rabbit, but when the ferret tries to fit through, the net holds ground a bit more, so is less likely to come away. The wind wont blow your flimsy 4 oz nets off either then Atb, BB
  9. Checked shirt and a waxy. Thats my style. Waxy is lightish and great for the thorns. Pair of trousers and wax leggings. Winner. atb, BB
  10. Not at all bud. Just make sure that the hole you choose to set it in looks well run, but also that it has enough room above to snap. If the roof impedes the jaws, it won't kill your bugs bunny. Then sprinkle some dirt over the top. If you make sure the trap is well weathered, rabbits will take to it more kindly than a spanking new shiny one. The other thing I have seen done is to place a tunnel directly outside the hole in question and then build a "mock" tunnel the extra few inches from sticks, stones and leaves, so that when they exit the hole, they have to follow the tunnel. This worked
  11. I reckon you'll bolt around 12. Catch maybe 8 or 9.
  12. It's missing it's penis too! Still no F**king eye deer!
  13. As title says. There is a space for a single days ferreting with me near Oxford either tomorrow or Monday the 31st. The option is open to absolutely anyone. Time wasters and Idiots need not apply, however experience is not needed. I am willing to teach, provided you listen. Give me a PM as soon as. This land needs to be ferreted before new year if can be helped. Beer afterwards in the pub next door if you fancy. Let me know.
  14. I tell a lie. It actually says mk3! God knows why... Also, can anyone tell me the difference between these two collars? They use different batteries, that is all I know...
  15. Yeh. The grey one. I thought that was the mk1, and always understood the mk2 to be an orange one, but like I say, inside on the components where you change the battery, it has a mk2 print, which really threw me. Will take a pic now bud.
  16. I picked up what I thought was a mk1, but on the inside had a mk2 scribe. Will see if I can get some pictures up tomorrow.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01p9k6d/Jeremy_Vine_Squeeze_play_live_and_foxhunting_prosecutions/ I usually hate listening to Jeremy Vine, his voice annoys me, but this is worth a listen! Some of these people spout a load of piss from their mouth!
  18. I wouldnt strictly listen to this. Ferrets are lactose intollerant, so no milk unless it is lactose free. Olive oil to the knuckles isnt a bad idea. Also, when you do pick him up, make sure its round the chest and not by his back legs or tail. He'll feel threatened else. Like he said, positive reinforcement is alot better than negative. Atb BB
  19. I believe they are called LR44 batteries. They're the ones that fit hearing aids. Wilkinsons sells them 10 for a pound.
  20. Got a 16 ft collar? Crack on. Not many rabbits go deeper than that, if ever. It just gets too cold for them. Sandy soil is good digging too. Just make fair judgement on whether it may be flooded or not after all the rain we have. ATB BB
  21. If you do this, make sure there is a water bottle and insulation or bedding. What you dont want is to catch your ferret and come back to find it frozen. Also, start using collars. Its just careless not to. Treat your workers well, and they will become good rabbit hunters. Atb BB
  22. I use a 12 gauge pressed against the arse cheeks. then i know they're definitely dead. Pmsl.
  23. What if you are on a large warren and the preist is the other side of the warren? Also, if you are eating them (or they go for human consumption) then bashing them on the noggin gives them a fair ol' bit of bruising to the top of the shoulder meat too. Just dispatch out of the net, and while you are busy un tangling, just put your foot in the hole. Or an alternate option is to work in pairs. Whoever catches the rabbit dispatches, out of the way, while the other re nets. This method depends how many people you ferret with and how many rabbits are popping at any one time. Atb, BB
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