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Bunny Boiler

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Everything posted by Bunny Boiler

  1. Does his dads 3 legged dog hair course too?
  2. It may be the type of dye that is being used. The change in colour is actually usually a chemical reaction, so it is perfectly plausible that some will become more course or smoother after being dyed. Because the colour of the dye is related to the chemical present, it may affect the nylon a small amount, but the shade of colours itself may not have any relation (i.e Darker colours being more course) as it's all down to the chemical. It's alot like the colour of flames when you oxidise certain metals. For example Barium burns green coloured, while potassium, which is also an alkaline metal bur
  3. Everyone is going to say one that bolts. Nobody wants the risk of digging if it's gunna take time or be a hard dig (Tree roots, stones, drystone walls, etc.). If people would rather it nailed in the hole, we wouldn't bother with purse nets or long nets or dogs. We'd all just carry a bag of rocks and block up the holes. Atb, BB
  4. How many nets you looking for? And are they quick sets?
  5. 4 quid at the butchers or as a PC? 4 quid a go I'd be raking it in on my 30 rabbit days!
  6. Why do you need so many consoles?! Oh. And did you enjoy having your credit card information stolen on the PSN btw?
  7. In light of the recent discovery, Tesco's Veggie burgers are being tested for signs of Uniquorn.

  8. Wrong section, but mine is TheGingaWarrior
  9. Hay and straw is extremely dusty. Its not really a problem usually though to be honest...
  10. Get them in with some experienced stinkers mate. Also, go out with someone who knows what they're doing. They can usually help you look for the less obvious tell tell signs. Someone with a trained dog might help you out too, as it will mark and then you can really tell if they are bolting bunnies or not mate. Every ferret will move a rabbit on, its whether there are conies there and whether the stinkers find them. Atb BB
  11. "Thighs like a vice...". I pissed myself when I read that bit. I'm in with a young horse rider (actually does it for a job) and she could crack a walnut!
  12. Having a whinge again then, Logun?
  13. Call them what they are. Poachers mate. Vandals too if they're cutting fences. Haha well you can call them that as well as other things Now I'll be honest we've all hope a fence but cutting fences ain't my thing and I'm not talking a strand of barb wire but the whole bloody fence but I've put it back best I can and I shall carry on with my business Cheers Tom Dont get why people poach bud.I spent one afternoon asking farmers. Got myself a few hundred acres. Keep 'em updated on how many I took and they spread word for me! I get people actually ring me up offering me permission nowada
  14. Call them what they are. Poachers mate. Vandals too if they're cutting fences.
  15. ... Are you still after these two I have organised for you? I am picking them up this weekend and was going to drop them off/ask to meet you on my way home... Let me know, otherwise I'll let him know I don't need them...
  16. Pest species can be taken all year. Why wouldnt you hammer numbers all year? Just leave them out as long as you can check them...
  17. Big warrens generally need more ferrets bud. I go out with people that also have their own ferrets too when doing those warrens however, so, it levels out.
  18. Dont give them milk to start... They're lactose intollerant. Also, i have a pair of jills and i work them all day, no issue.
  19. Would you sell that finder and collars for £130 bud?
  20. I've had little owls too think about it. Caught Jay birds in Mk4 Fenns before too. 2 over 2 days. Think I must of caught one and then the other was it's mate looking for his/her friend.
  21. I've seen Cats bolt before. And I've caught thick as sh*t pheasants in Fenn traps...
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