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Bunny Boiler

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Everything posted by Bunny Boiler

  1. Had a good slice of it this morning! Nom nom nom. Don't have a dog though mate. Do i still qualify for free pudding?!
  2. I went to see a house earlier with period features. My wife hates it when I call her that...

  3. Take whatever you can spare to give them for space, then add a bit more. They're lactose intolerant, so avoid plain ol' cows milk. Keep at least 2 (you've worked this out), they're social animals. This means they will socialise with you too, so handle them alot remember, not just when you work them! Just a few pointers Atb, BB
  4. The gossip mags are reporting Rihanna has broken up with Chris Brown after she caught him cheating with a waitress. A source close to the couple says Rihanna knew something was up when Brown came home with another woman's lipstick on his knuckles.

  5. I have so much permission you could shoot on, the only condition is that you take me out with you. I am looking at getting into rifle shooting and require a mentor. It's all around Brize Norton. Rabbits on all of my permission, foxes are on some, and I'm allowed to take deer on some others. Drop me a PM mate.
  6. Without wanting to put you down a bit more, here isn't the best place to ask. We're not the farmers, we're hunters ourselves remember. Your best bet isn't letters. It's good old door knocking. Set a day aside. Put on some respectable clothes and go knock on farm doors. Easiest way bud.
  7. Can you reverse a vasectomy without surgery? The tubes connecting the testicles to the urethra are cut and sealed. This means ejaculate still occurs, but no semen is present to get a female pregnant. It is generally 100% effective.
  8. He's just confused by the fact that Ann Summers now have delivery vans.
  9. Fenn Trap near the feeder, smeared in Peanut butter. If it was me, I would have covered the garden in them just to make it a mine field for him!
  10. Dont be so sure of yourself there fella, a rat can and will climb just as well as a squirrel. Even copper pipe and tubular steel Yeh, but if it's placed away from the tree trunk hanging freely, on a thin enough chain, it's not going to be able to climb the tree, across the branch and down the chain, and dependant on your feeder, even if it does, it still won't be able to sit there to feed, it would just fall off if you have bell shaped feeders.
  11. Hang the feeder off a tree branch with a chain. The rat won't be able to access it, but the chickens will. Simple solution.
  12. Is he eating out of the feeders in the coop? If so, make it so there is only one way into the coop, and sit a Fenn trap in there surely? Stop jumping between methods and stick to one, you'll catch him eventually. And if there is one, it makes me think there's probably alot more, rats wouldn't live on their own if there is a decent food source and shelter... Also, if you're noticing it, it probably means it's because there is more than one. However, I haven't seen everything, so you may be right...
  13. I would love to see France get the WOODEN SPOON! If that happens, I won't care who wins!
  14. The saying goes 'There is more than one way to skin a cat'. But really, how many ways can you list? Funniest replies will be moved to the top into my post.
  15. You're right. Some people never bother to mate their gills. Its not 100% that if you don't mate them they die. It's just a risk some people wont take...
  16. It won't sit or give you it's paw if thats what you mean!
  17. Get 2 or more, they're social animals. And wait about 2 more months. There will be hundreds all over the country, with kits. Also, give them as much space as you can. They love a good run around. No milk as they're lactose intolerant, and no caffeine after 8, otherwise you'll never get them to bed! Hehe.
  18. Possible Signals, or anything Tech/Electronic based.
  19. Not quite. Never got in. Didn't pass medical. Something about an allergy to bees being a liability. I keep my military ties close though and do what I can! I failed my medical too....hernia....quick op and i was on a train down to catterick..... no fail for me straight through first time best days of my life till i got MD lol failed that medical lolWent to the doctors the other day. Wasnt officially diagnosed when i originally got stung. I was in A&E and had to be shoved out because i got to my 4 hour mark. Had some blood tests done and it came back as negative to bees and only mild t
  20. Bolted two little owls. No long eared though.
  21. Vets aren't always clued on ferrets however, many will offer different opinions to one another. Ferrets are odd animals. I find they are VERY hardy creatures, but once they do get an illness, they lose condition fast. People on here will certainly try to help buddy, we just need more information to go on to get you the best advice. Check your PM's bud. I've sent you one.
  22. Symptoms mate? Is he just Lethargic or are there other symptoms? Poor coat, skinny, breathlessness, etc. Also, how old is the ferret? May be older age.
  23. We say Plentiful preparation prevents piss poor performance but there roughly the same I prefer the easier to remember lol...... Fail to prepare..... Prepare to fail
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