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Bunny Boiler

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Everything posted by Bunny Boiler

  1. Good lad. Had a similar situation that got me into ferreting a few years back, so hopefully someone will join the sport as well! You packing it in or just upgrading your own setup?
  2. Red eyes is usually a starting sign. Wobbly could be another disease or they may be young rabbits.
  3. Would happily take the jills tomorrow bud, but dont really want a hob. Drop me a PM.
  4. Won't poach off Fts' thread, but if he doesn't want it, drop me a PM and we can have a chat!
  5. BPR, is it you who does Paracord bracelets as well? Drop me a pm, gunna look at buying a pair of carriers and a bracelet this week if you have some already made?
  6. Buyer beware of this guy ,he's due for another name change on ebay as his fed back crappy score will build upOh really? I always got the impression that he was decent....What he knows about nets you could write on the back of a stamp with big lettersI'll avoid then. I was about to buy 2 50's off him...
  7. Buyer beware of this guy ,he's due for another name change on ebay as his fed back crappy score will build upOh really? I always got the impression that he was decent....
  8. JBSnets will sell a full set up with poles, grommets and everything. You can get a 100 yard net, 1 basket, net cut into two 50 yards for the same price. Think they're a bit pricey, but decent quality as far as I am aware. The ebay name for them is fieldsportsuk.
  9. I know what you are saying, but permission comes with time. In the first instances I would say that you should always get out with someone who does the sport, pick their brain. Ferreting isn't as simple as some would believe. Granted, it's not complicated, but its like anything in life. Take a crash course at least and you find the next session easier. Im not saying you're method is wrong, I'm saying that taking a season out with someone with experience is easier.Atb, BB
  10. My ferrets feed themselves in caught rabbits plus my chickens lay eggs and I throw the odd one in. Get 2 ferrets. Ferrets are social animals, a friend is advised. No milk, they're lactose intolerant.
  11. So if you've never been out, how do you know you enjoy the sport? Thats alot of dosh to plug in to a sport you've never tried. You wouldn't go buy some scuba gear before you've ever been diving... And how are you gunna learn how to use the locator and nets properly? Trial and error I guess. Not meaning to have a dig, just think your life would have been easier to get out with someone to decide that you enjoy and want to take up the sport...
  12. Aye. I've only ever heard a ferret make 3 noises. Hissing, squeaking (not like a mouse, but I'm not sure how to describe it), and what I would call "chuntering". Some more experienced guys and those who have kept far more generations of ferrets may offer more. I've heard mine hiss when they found a rat, and they chunter when they are excited or know they're getting fed occasionally. Guess different ferrets make different noises?
  13. There are a few members on here from Kent. One may be as kind as to take you out. Ask and ye shall receive and all that. No harm, just DON'T ask for permission. Ask to be shown the ropes. Dress decently, but appropriately and listen and learn. People will generally help out off this site as long as you seem decent.
  14. Get a season under your belt with someone who already gets out ferreting. It'll make life easier for you.
  15. Could do Saturday if you want bud? My land is about 65 Miles from Sandhurst in Berkshire, understand if that's a bit far. Drop me a PM if you're interested. Been out for a few hours already this season and had good numbers so should be a good day.
  16. Aye, but if there is 2-3 people already with permission, I'm not even sure I want to touch it! Gunna be either dry, or likely to tread on someones toes.
  17. Yeh I know. The whinge about wanting more land was more for convenience, and a bit of a joke. My main point is that ferreting is supposed to be a dying art, and yet there seems so many people doing it around me.Who says its a dying art? Every c**t by me is playing at it. Ferreting and lamping. They haven't got a clue like but still. I've read in a few places, and met people who USED to do it but dropped it, and like I say, have moved from an area where not a soul does it, so just always assumed that there wasnt much interest. Kids nowadays are more into xboxs than what could be called an a
  18. Yeh I know. The whinge about wanting more land was more for convenience, and a bit of a joke. My main point is that ferreting is supposed to be a dying art, and yet there seems so many people doing it around me.
  19. I do! I drive all over the place. Was just surprised to see so many people doing it. Its not even the same people with all the farms. When I asked who had permission (partly nosey, partly hoping I might get a day out with them) its all different names and numbers. Strange how you go 15-20 miles down the road to some land and theres not a soul who does it.
  20. I've spent most evenings in the past few weeks, and the odd Saturday trying to find new permission near me as I moved house, and once where it was easy (I have still got my old land, but it is a bit of a drive), now every farm is saying they've got not one, but at LEAST 2 groups that ferret for them and someone who shoots. I was under the impression this was a dying art, but in my area, it seems to be thriving more than anything. Economy perhaps? Cheapish hobby that puts dinner on the table? Who knows, just wish they would all F**k off so I could get some land! Lol.
  21. Where are you bud? I cant see on my phone.
  22. No milk for ferrets please! We've discussed this to death. They're lactose intolerant...
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