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old fart

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Everything posted by old fart

  1. Years ago when out with terriers hit on an earth with foxy at home had a couple of bitches and a six month old dog all JRs . entered a young bitch got a mark and started digging the pup was not tied up just to get it used to the game. anyway broke though not deep and the pup got interested and received a bite to his front leg well he lost it and set about the fox with meaning. I killed the fox and he ragged the dead body for ages after a while I threw the body up a hawthorn tree so that it was out of the pups reach how wrong was I he scrambled up and continued to rag. He turned out to be a fai
  2. Best show I was ever at was a good few years ago Perth The Famous Grouse Carriage Driving on the sight of the now Scone Game Fair was a Scottish Jack Russel Terrier club show. Grouse gave the organisers hundreds of miniatures and everyone who showed a dog got some every body ended up pished. There were some good shows back then lots of camaraderie and working dogs were in the majority. You could go to a game fair and get stuff for field sports at a good price, Jesus I went to Glames last year and told my boy that I would get him some purse nets found a stall with half a dozen for sale. The bur
  3. Swap a mk1 15ft terrier collar in good order for a mk1 8ft ferret collar
  4. cheers big bald, Chambers is the way to go have put in an order request.
  5. Edgar brothers dont stock spring for this gun can anyone help please
  6. Hi can anyone help, I am looking for a new spring for a Edgar brothers mod 60 air rifle. Anyone know where I can get one, any advice would be welcome cheers.
  7. I widny eat the Dalgetty Bay lobsters full of radiation.
  8. Townhill mate, I the fence will keep you out Whin :D , am no for fences the dugs dont get a proper run and we all know about barbed wire. thanks for your warm welcome.
  9. Just out side Dunfermline in the Kingdom of Fife so called because the old kings of Scotland were crowned in Dumfermline which used to be the capital city. History a wonderful thing just like the history of the working terriers where would we be without that history.
  10. Hi mostly ferreting and a little lamping got a couple of whippets and two old patterdales used to do a bit with the terriers to old now a young mans game all that digging cant cut it anymore and dont want to be a hanger on. Getting my step son into ferreting he seems keen and likes to go lamping with the air rifle
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