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Everything posted by 10inchsixnhalfkgsolja

  1. That in a nice looking pup what do use the parents for how do they do
  2. Dose anyone watch this makes me laugh
  3. Not bin on ther for ages but had a few bits bashin ther selvs out with tools on it pretty good but u gotta flick frew 50 dicks to get the chicks then u gotta keep em there I've found wanking in red speedos usualy works hahahaha
  4. Type in tractor boy kills mouse that's the best one
  5. Nice terrier lucy looks simlar to my bitch same coat and markings
  6. I new a guy called bearinator at first he seemed alright but the more I read his posts I chuld see he,s full of shite
  7. I don't think u will have a problem returning to uk aslong as [bANNED TEXT] paperworks in order and jabbed and fleed they can't say shit I whuld give em little time to heal before hand , as for how they will adapt u will have to wait and see give em a few shallow digs see how they go on good luckk
  8. U only need a pet passport going back to uk goin out is no problem if [bANNED TEXT] in a car getting a pet pasport is easy these days
  9. Copy the link and paste straight on to here ,,, evryone got to start somwere to be honest sounds like you got a dog what's gonna make it easier for you
  10. My dogs found a polish guy asleep in the bushes on 2 diffrent occasions in england
  11. Ied say online as a guest watching for when the heats died down lol
  12. Put a pic of it up lucy, u shuld buy a locator collar and box this will tell you exactly were your dog is underground if ur dog bumps in to a fox u chuld be ther a while so the box is needed to retrive your dog u will need a spade and a meatal spike about 5 foot u can stick this in the ground and put your ear to it and hear if your dog is barking (baying) at a fox or what ever you are hunting ,,, the aim of the game is for your dog to go to ground and find the game then it shuld work the game in to a stop end or make the game bolt depending on what you want or not let the quarry pass it and .
  13. Scratch \ cut glass if its real is right but thers also none real ones what do it to pj is right take it to a trusted jewler mate Ànd good luck hope its real for ya
  14. I've not seen the video but for me I whuld rather have a dog what you chuld dig 3 badgers .a week with and only have minimum dammage than 1 laid up for weeks at a time costing u vet bills evrytime u take it out
  15. And sohoman u bellend I said in my opinion how can my opinion of how I like things be rubbish
  16. Bad bob this is off what I have seen first hand in germany and france imo a coon is no way near a badger but its only my opinion
  17. And I don't think a coons in the same leuage as a badger even if it was 20lb heavier badgers are bad arse kaw and to be treated with respect off man and dog dogs with no respect end up with no faces and that's not true terrier work in my opinion
  18. Yea i mean bayer mixer types, but just to add the lads bullx dogs did the job and did it well but me personally prefere bayer mixer
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