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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. the thing thats gets me is when that cnut the youngest daughter is with calls me pops or she says whatever with her hand up and the shake of her head fecking does me
  2. billy are they tighter than they husbands wallet or am i better sticking with the half a lager crew at last orders
  3. feck me i would trough that myself never mind the litter im only joking matey i hope everthing goes well with the welps
  4. abscess or it might be a wasp sting either way better safe than sorry
  5. max i will take a bet with you and i normally dont bet that villa westham and nufc are not the 3 that go down and the winner donates there winning to charity of the winners choice or choices
  6. and you cant ask for more than that wilf and im glad the move paid off for you all
  7. just excitement at its first catch and live warm quarry feels different to a dummy or tennis ball and you pup sounds likes its doing well it will comes with exprience nice pup to
  8. i was just thinking the same fatman a lovely read f d and i hope she still running you ragged for a good while longer yet
  9. i have ran some hard running land with a bull x when may be a heavy saturated collie cross would of been the better option on deer that said i dont think a collie x can hold hold a candle to a bull x on the final finally i cant see any cross having to many issues holding a roe its the bigger gear were they found out
  10. I wouldn't go that far I think kids either want to learn and forge ahead in life or they don't and if they don't you can have the best intentions in the world you are not going to change that terry a household were theres rules and structure in a kids life theres more chance of them listening at school and wanting to be educated yes theres times when they want to go out but they know not till its done were has a kid that can come and go has they please with parents who either dont have any real interest in helping out with home work or cant be arsed when the kid starts playing up about h
  11. sorry to hear this all to common thing happening matey its even worst when you have a litter and hold pups back and have to let decent lads down only for you to be let down and left with a pup or two you could of got a good home I would take pauls advice and good luck in your search matey
  12. spot on mush none of my kids are rocket scientists but all can read and write and are educated to a decent level in fact the little lad who is 8 is far better on a computer than I am he listens in class and he does all his homework on time and his school reports all say he tries cant ask more from him its just some parents don't give a flying has long as there out of there way
  13. No offence taken but how on Gods earth do you know what I have and haven't done ? I already told you when you asked me before I said I no longer box due to a bad accident I suffered. However I will fight when I feel i need to but haven't had a fight in over a year nowi dont but reading your posts then reading those more educated in boxing than the both of us i get the feeling your a casual like most of us if not put your real name up and your fight recordlike I said I had a bad injury and don't box but have spent time in gyms and always mange to get into a scrap outside of a ring my uncle tau
  14. No offence taken but how on Gods earth do you know what I have and haven't done ? I already told you when you asked me before I said I no longer box due to a bad accident I suffered. However I will fight when I feel i need to but haven't had a fight in over a year nowi dont but reading your posts then reading those more educated in boxing than the both of us i get the feeling your a casual like most of us if not put your real name up and your fight recordlike I said I had a bad injury and don't box but have spent time in gyms and always mange to get into a scrap outside of a ring my uncle tau
  15. No offence taken but how on Gods earth do you know what I have and haven't done ? I already told you when you asked me before I said I no longer box due to a bad accident I suffered. However I will fight when I feel i need to but haven't had a fight in over a year now i dont but reading your posts then reading those more educated in boxing than the both of us i get the feeling your a casual like most of us if not put your real name up and your fight record
  16. a true alrounder and producer owned by a very good dog man rip snipe
  17. custy i dont me offence matey but the casuals you mention so often looking at your reply to my question is what you are you have limited if any real ring experience like alot of us why not give the kid credit he looks like hes being brought on right hes a decent prospect in a hard game but i think some of your comments towards the kid are unfounded and biased
  18. i knew ruby would show her the ropes andy she is a nice type to bring on matey
  19. i should think a lining has good has this be will have plenty of takers but i would place the pups were they will get the graft and education needed to do such a lining justice im not saying they wont get there chance with there owners and hopefully some will keep us updated on there progress
  20. im not surprised at the amount looking if the dam is has good has you say she is which i dont doubt for min she is and the sire has done is thing s/h atvb with the pups trunk im sure they will make handy additions to your pack keep us updated matey
  21. but you dont hear the kid himself big himself up only his management team unlike a certain heavyweight
  22. all spoken for mate im glad the lining went well matey but in my experience you will get those that pull out at the last min work or family normally the reasons so it doesnt hurt to have a plan b
  23. Why would you love an English prospect to be beaten by an American ?........are you American ?Its a sport I don't favour country's maybe if it was the World Cup of boxing but not two guys going at it I couldn't care less what country they are from I want AJ to loose so the casual boxing fans who are currently riding the AJ hype train gets derailed and go back to office work talking about football so go on custy what his your boxing history in or out the ring or knowledge of the fight game to come out with such a statement i did ask your mate brookie the same question but didnt get a reply s
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