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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. stand well clear custy reversing to be honest custy you seem the sort that like the attention and give it im the man same has a 3 pint van damme you meet in the pub but when it comes down to it your all shout you have been offered a few ways of payment but jibbed just man up and say you cant stand the bet and your sorry folk would respect you more than your constantly side stepping and ways of looking to get out of it and remember to put your brain in gear before throwing out your all bets welcome comment
  2. I've watched my mates big bullx from a pup, retrieves rabbits like a dream on the lamp, works with the ferrets.. but is not a rabbiting dog.. theses were dogs that did what they were bred for kid and did it well and theses werent rabbit dogs just when they did pick one up it was lth
  3. it does sound like your back tracking abit here custy sell the q 7 because your banned but buy a van instead surely who you bet would want a q7 or money to that value and cant remember some bets or who with it just looks like you have just found a reverse gear maybe wrong again matey but that how it looks
  4. i found that alot of bull xs especially out of the pye line were natural retrievers live to hand yet seen whippets crunch them to bits it boils down to what you accept and whether you sell them on some become hard mouthed by other dogs trying to snatch there catch
  5. dont recall ever calling you dirty custy in fact the cleaniest homes i have been in belonged to travellers so dont try and go down that route matey
  6. Don't worry if he looses he looses my life won't change that much to be honest and no we havent got a car anymore im banned from driving and decided to sell it and get a cheap van so if I loose it it won't cost me much what about the bet with the q 7 or is that off now and the other bets that were going to make you serious money
  7. gaz brookie is family im sure custy isnt
  8. custy i hope your man wins has hes from theses parts but if he doesnt you have alot of humble pie to eat not forgetting some serious coin on a man you dont even know or met does the mrs know she might lose her motor
  9. i once helped a mate try a find a terrier called nigger who had got out of his garden which backed on to a park the looks we got shouting and whistling nigger come on nigger theres a good lad
  10. now now play nicely baw and i cant see the father in law taking kindly to his dogs being classed has tumblers
  11. thats my uncle you're talking about you git,tight family bred line i will have you know i think your on the wind up but if not how long does uncle jeff keep you on the phone for and how far back does this line go again
  12. Seen the trailer and some guy was crying.......be funny if his name turns out to be max. With a red and white striped top on.... and the other side of the shirt arsenals then it could well be max
  13. well i bought a whippet x italian grey today along with 2 ferrets so i am hoping he'll be ok for ferreting , i have a whippet with a small bit of coliie in him as well , so we'll see how he does ... if he's no good he'll be a lovely little pet .. I hope he does you proud i wasn't having a dig matey just what I have heard and I cant see what one would bring to the field that's already available but lets us know how you get on im normally wrong any way so happy hunting matey
  14. i think the itie greys are very weak boned merlin better getting a purpose bred lurcher around the 2 4 inch mark if i was looking thats what i would get
  15. looking through them vids theres no need to film it only adds weight to there argument facebooks a classic for doing it there doing there job for them most of the time and she is a crank like alot of others like her the best thing is to keep it the memory bank and not on film were you can drop yourself in it and keep on keeping on
  16. Cheers blackmaggie,yes it was a good litter pups were all in good condition.She will be out with me everyday really pleased with her so far,down to me now to put the time in and get the training right.I'll post some more pics as she gets on. ATB i will look forward to seeing her progress im sure she is in good hands with you matey
  17. its always the morning after jim you feel it has you know but fair play andy like you do some miles and hours then cover some ground and not always the best of walking just to put gear in front of the dogs
  18. cant beat it and he looks chuffed to bits to brilliant pic monkey
  19. looks a nice healthy liter and its good to see shes out and about at her age learning im sure she will do you proud keep the photos coming on her progress matey
  20. some top action shots there kid atb for the coming season
  21. why risk losing money keep her in doors take a pic of her with some bunnies out the freezer next to her and take a litter out of her asap and get some money out of her and feck taking her out its starting to cold now
  22. he might of fancied you shaun but didnt you say something to him to get a reason why he taking photos and jumping out of bushes at you and did the police even come
  23. credit to you d lloyd for getting the dogs in a condition to take that many and old news or not thats still a great result for all concerned
  24. land numbers and how much time time you have spent getting our mutt proper running fit comes in to play i suppose most xs will take bunnies but i have found its the owners that take the time to travel and put the miles and hours in that really have a special rabbit dog lads like jim lofty arron brick and fuji and his lads thats what puts there dogs has specialists rabbit dogs and that dedication puts gear in front of there mutts
  25. i cant see you getting your dog matey to be honest but lamping at that time seems a bit daft to me but things could of been worst your motor could of gone you could of been done with a asbo and had your home searched forget the bravado crew keep your head down and keep on doing what your doing but ffs make it alot later in the night
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