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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. What happens in the field stays in the field loose lips sink ships
  2. cheers mick got sports devil
  3. what time is the fight on
  4. I hope fury wins cause hes British just hope its a good fight but win or lose i hope he shows respect and will make a few quid has well has some good domestic bouts
  5. Thats bad after all There only trying to make sure he doesn't hurt himself when he hits it
  6. King do a search matey there was a thread done about golly a while back
  7. just use the search bar im sure you will find something about them
  8. depends what you class has average size and somethings are best left un said like death and injurys etc
  9. wont mr pit on here not be able to sort you out just drop him a pm
  10. anyone know what channel and time the fight is on
  11. i always laughed at the first home alone and denis the menace is another
  12. very sad to hear of your loss matey its always hard young or old and i hope your lass doesnt blame her self has accidents happen in this game and i know how hard a loss can be on a family it does it hard atb
  13. good stuff matey mutts look well cracking pics of the youngster out and about doing a bit
  14. rifle men jd or maybe the way farms and estates are worked theses day or it could be sites like theses i bet the dales have never been has popular in these last few years
  15. its funny matey i went the other side of lancaster last night and the bunnies were fine a good number about and all clean
  16. Garstang st Michaels pilling etc is full of mixy at the moment Neil its hit them hard again
  17. a wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends
  18. Utter bollox Muslims rate as one of the lowest education levels in the UK Over 21% of Muslims in the UK have never worked the power of google eh if you believe that then no wonder were fecked It was the Telegraph.....................Can you prove its incorrect ??? I'm willing to say i got it wrong if there evidence that Muslim students out preform all others never said out perform
  19. yes not saying that but what about those serving queen and country what would you say to them have you been on the front line whats your experience of active duty jack What about them.....Its says something for the Muslim population when more are prepared to run off and fight for a country that's only connection to them is the people share the same religion Shows where their real loyalty lies Someones military experience means nothing in matters like this still doesnt answer the question does it matey
  20. yes not saying that but what about those serving queen and country what would you say to them have you been on the front line whats your experience of active duty jack They're dramatically underrepresented as % of the population last I heard,or British born ones at least. Our soldiers are fighting pointless wars and have been for a long time,they should be here keeping the Asians and Africans out. i agree pointless wars but there still represented and how long did you serve for
  21. Utter bollox Muslims rate as one of the lowest education levels in the UK Over 21% of Muslims in the UK have never worked the power of google eh if you believe that then no wonder were fecked
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