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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. I guess the boy was just making pipe-bombs for the banter. maybe Dianne Abbott should have a word after all wasn't it her who said to deafeat terrorism we just need to talk to the mums of anyone suspected or being a terrorist if you want a cause to take up your time bgd look in to the prevent program or even cage and how the mayor of London khan shared a stage with radical Inman anwar al awlaki the online binladen you the one I'm sure who called jihadi john a beautiful man or the time khan spent time visiting blal Patel the close friend of radical imman and recuiter Abu hamza or another one
  2. Bgd you chat some shite your just a troll but wasn't it your hero corbyn and his side kick Abbott amongst others who refused to ban or see groups such as all.Qaeda hamas Hezbollah etc as terrorists even calling Hama's friends theses are real terrorist who have killed thousands yet your hear banging on about a group that's never hurt anyone corbyn even sits with the IRA the traitorous cnut
  3. I would worry yourself more bgd about the thousands of Muslim terrorist here there watching and those they can't monitor and if anyone needs smoking out and taking to court its like of Blair coblyn and all the other labour and left cnuts that are making excuses for theses Muslims
  4. Don't watch England anymore can't be arsed with the same old boring game they play with the same old players who couldn't give a flying feck they just go through the motions it doesn't have the same passion or pride playing for england anymore
  5. Maybe many moons ago but your always better edging your bets with a good working background a lot are not worth breeding from but a lot do more for sentiment reasons than the actual dog being worth breeding from my old man was a terrier man very old school a dog was either a keeper or a sleeper and when it came to breeding he would look at why or if a bitch was worth breeding from and then would seek out a sire that could add to her he worked hard culled hard was his way and any pup went to liked minded lads gifted and any dog he had involved in a lining had To been seen working a good few
  6. Mine was when on a yts putting loft insulation in the old fibre glass stuff that inched like feck and it was in the middle of summer and was red hot another one was weeding every flower bed on a private garden and she had loads of them the snotty old bitch insisted on every weed being dug out and roots and all removing and never once did she brew up
  7. I wouldn't worry to much what's in her buddy she looks like a nice healthy pup just enjoy I'm sure you will have some fun together but I would say saluki in there
  8. There's always been very good stock bred round there I'm sure something will turn up if he has the work for it
  9. A dog is either a sleeper or a keeper you need 3 things in life a good pair of boots a good bed or a good woman because you will always be in one of them don't shit on your own doorstep never judge a book by its cover and take everyday as it comes just a few I've heard over the years
  10. I don't mean to be funny but what could your dog do that any lurcher couldn't and what makes you think its worth breeding of besides you loving it to bits has he done things that make him worthy of breeding from a few seasons under his belt etc there's enough substandard dogs being bred from as it is your just going to add to that list unless you can good pet homes
  11. Never known the reason why anyone would record anything legal or not in this day and age
  12. First wife always gave me grief about the dogs and the time I was out with them got the ultimatum them or me left with 3 dogs and 2 bin liners never looked back I found it isn't good to live in each others pockets and to feck with being dictated to every night been with my Mrs 15 year she couldn't care a less how much I'm out I think she's suited when I stay out makes life a lot easier
  13. There was a while back they caught them one was a farmer the others farming contractors with access to a couple of decent dogs easy money to some I suppose it just puts the heat on everyone else though
  14. I think Darron Gibson your own player sums it up max and out of interest was you there when you was in the third tier its not looking good max getting beat like that at home by Celtics reserve's and out sung by 7000 what happened to the gravy
  15. We had one like your trixy bosun handy thing ferreting Janey she was called amongst many others in are little pack we were never home either hunting down the lines or on the docks the feeling of walking down the st with your catch proud as punch and no one batted a eye lid with your pack of mutts in tow how times sadly change
  16. to be fair neems he was a great rabbit dog even took the odd hare and roe without a peep he would mark true and hjkc as good as many bigger dogs he died aged 13 in the outhouse but he took his share of bunnies and gave me many a good day
  17. Ffs Don't tell max that rusty
  18. Deerhound grey x collie greyhound in 81 pts 6 months later for yapping by the oldman but I had some fun with him in them 6 months he replaced it with a beddy whip pup smokey would love to have him about again cracking little dog
  19. your right max a brilliant start to the weekend pmsl I think your going to fit right in in the shit league ha away the lads
  20. I don't need to prove anything to anyone and its more than two houses just that you think kids with autism come from a council estate and correcting them about routine you really are clueless and your comments regarding things you know nothing about depression being one sometimes its better to just say nothing if you don't know rather than make a cnut out of yourself
  21. I have seen you chat a lot of shite concerning dogs but you would severely correct a child with autism for wanting his tea at a set time and only council estate single mums use it as a excuse for bad behavior you really are a clueless wanker that talks about things you don't know about or understand I owe two successful businesses and have a few properties I rent out I have a austic son who has to have a set routine if not he has a melt down and trustme he gets disciplined but you have to explain everything in detail so he understands
  22. Nice looking pup ssh but I have never understand why folk get hooked up on size some of the biggest are out and out cowards that said I hope the pup does everything asked of it as I'm sure it will get its chance to
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