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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. Fair play trunk some good footage and some good takes that white dog as some strike on him well done
  2. Use to do it the more sugar you put in the stronger it gets I got a bit excited on one brew put loads of sugar in it woke up in the morning after a few bottles in the shed with the dogs licking my face rough as a badgers ass and her in doors laughing at me but I started finding it moreish so knocked it on the head I still have the barrel belt etc
  3. You trying to take the piss out of someone who's near a pensioner mentioning bucks weight etc or his bad back
  4. maybe - maybe not , but he deff bullying cu*t , ive met farmers like him over the years , when ive been out with my dogs day and night , i never mouth off to them just walk a way , but if he rammed that bike at me, he deff get good kick right in ball bag 100% , i would have stuck a blade in him few years ago, but cun*t like him are not worth going down for and doing 10 years in jail , so deff be size 10 in his knackers , you could get one quick i hate antis , and what they do and stand for but i hate bullies even more you portray yourself as a hard nut , perhaps the g
  5. Well that nothing is it compared to what them sabs do beating up pensioners etc threatening anyone they feel fit to while committing numerous offences and getting away with it and some are slagging the farmer off get a fecking grip there there to kick off hence the balaclavas so fair play to lad on the quad
  6. If he haddock tried to kiss it in the first plaice he wouldn't of been whiting for his life the cods were looking down on him that ray
  7. I think the one question he did ask was very true that the BBC were only there in case the lads on the march kicked off and he didn't get a straight answer I can say through experience the left wingers antis what ever banner they go under with there little rent a mobs normally always kick it of with there faces covered and are more violent an organized than lads marching but that's not what the media want you to see
  8. Watching england is boring watching Scotland is fecking painful at least we get through
  9. I don't think there in dog fox league on the pads but fair play to Nigel benn letting his son be his own man and not trying to hog the limelight like eubank but eubank Jr coping his dads walk look even his ring entrance is a bit sickly not taking nothing away from his skills as a boxer but be your own man ffs make your own legacy
  10. Sorry to hear that I know it was always good for a run bosun we used to go back of coe lane at hesketh bank to that was always good for a jog on rhf or up near pontins when out that way same as ormskirk that went barren as well in parts
  11. Marshside or the coastal rd is always full of pinks glad you got your leg over there's also a few Bunny's about in the sand dunes and surrounding areas
  12. you again no you wrong when we went to his place he told me he was a business man what owned a gym and a few propertys but had done a little bit of skullduggery when he was younger them was his exact words only later on i finds out it was not skullduggery his a heavy duty bloke with heavy duty friends and finds out what his been all about so no would you be happy to put your family in the middle of that for 1 hour or 1 day,anyhow am done here to many 2 face hypocrits here what grass over dogs but get all underworld code when it's real criminals bloody jokers I think you had a every good ide
  13. But he did he couldn't wait to tell max a few things when he thought nash was in is corner and he took the hospitality of nash quick enough then comes on here spouting his gums how a man allegedly earned his money when Nash saw through him blokes a spineless cnut shh how do you sell a free to good home dog ? When no money was exchanged
  14. Can the man you got her off not help you out tidy looking bitch by the way hole ends prove nothing buddy take your time and if you want her for earth work get out now looking for perm beating on shoots helping farmers out etc or see if anyone will show you the ropes but ffs dig a square hole
  15. That shithole was raided for drugs its just a front and not many if any eat there that's why lavery ex cid was prosecuting I think that dirty paki b*****d is related to him involved in Charlene downes case at Blackpool
  16. you need to worry more about the 55 ooo who downloaded the muslim terror manual in 3 months and not a year as was reported what have theses lads done to be labelled terrorist killed anyone ? You hero cuntbyn was sat with terrorists regular so instead you need to ask yourself why he and theses 55 ooo haven't been rounded up or theses on the watch list your just a troll I bet you wouldn't say anything to anyone face a spineless little cnut that hides behind a screen
  17. Harry hill is the worst I have seen I hate that cnut
  18. I think your right max I bet he can't believe it either max but I would say more Eddie the eagle than ed sheeran at the min now your in the relegation zone in the shit league already with alot of the gravy disappeared and what's left calling for your new manager to be sacked even after being positive in his first interview lol and perfect fit I think you said no wonder your keeping your head down max theses are troubling times especially with Rafa doing so well as well
  19. Looks like it needs a good wormer to me I hope it finds a good home
  20. Chartpolski melt down over a pic of his dog was funny and doodles stocking his golf course was another and the lad with the future of pest control with some kind of laser if I remember right
  21. Another bad night for the mackems and super grayson weres all the most loyal different gravy fans disappeared to another 5000 drop tonight not looking good in the shit league max got to give Rafa credit he came straight back up and the toon near enough kept the same support nows that's gravy
  22. I like her wilf is she for your lad or you
  23. Well brigzy there missing ten thousand plus every game since relegation for the most loyal and best fans in the world its got to be worrying were they are but for wanting super Grayson sacked after 6 games and booing your own players this early in the season is very fickle not something you associated with the gravy but fighting with your own fans and throwing coin at each other shows things aren't good up there this early in the season as well I wouldn't blame max if he rung is old mate beefy up and left the shit league for the prem worrying times indeed
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