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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. I agree with max for once ? go and feck yourself you parasite
  2. Tour be honest max I don't think he will save them nor will his style suit the fans to be honest but I think its his last chance to get some credibility back so I hope he does do it and I think nufc for a mid table finish I expect your lot will be OK come may with Coleman in charge a good manager
  3. Could of been worst he could of done it last season when there was a extra 15000 gravy there ? instead there holding up the shit league ? bgd they all can't be women they once chased some kids into the north sea them big donkey jacket hard boot wearing miners are in a league of there own you know ?
  4. I would do a ray ( bird ) and hurt my back with her but I think more chance with the Muslims one
  5. I have just seen were one of the gravy is caught shitting in his seat yesterday I don't know how to put the link up and i know things arent good up there but that's just wrong on every level
  6. A lad near me as just bought a half cross bull grey 13 months old of Facebook he was told its retrieves foxes and is good on rabbits he doesnt know nothing about its parents or sibling etc only its a repeated lining and its sits when told feckin heaven help us what is wrong with folk I would want to know how any pup I bred was getting on and I would make sure it was to a suitable home not to some numpty who was talking of over matching it after owning it a day
  7. What's the best pinkfoot goose call you lads use I know a lot depends on the caller I'm just after which call you prefer
  8. That reminds me of when dell boy borrowed that arm robbers sawn off on only fools and horses clip
  9. Fury should just let his promoter do his job and he do his in the gym and take each fight has it comes has much as I dislike him I think he has the beating of most out there if not all if he keeps himself clean and focused
  10. I would rather sit in Nashs company than the spineless cowards that he sometimes spoke to on here and always said it how it was can't say fairer than that
  11. I wasn't after starting anything vin was just curious and thankyou for your answer the best ferret I have owned was a blind hob sadly no longer with us but would go all day whether bolt or kill he always stuck to his task and far better suited to bigger warrens than Jill's I had I was just curious that's all whether you do the bigger warrens that are up there or just stick to the tight ones
  12. Vin what made you go hobs only on the dales just out of curiosity
  13. Seen that jiggy most were concerned they had docked tails or they were being kept outside that the actual theft
  14. How do you lads rate le tissier a game changer do you think he was given a fair run in internationals same as ian wright
  15. Cheers navek and gilbley just read his ped navek its was just good to know the history of some of my old dogs thanks again as I don't know much about bulls and there work
  16. Cheers navek do you know how skipper was bred just out of interest
  17. I read that navek was a rescue I believe after been in rehomed they got him after a accident from what I read they didn't know what they had or how to manage his weight or conditioning some dog though bred out of skipper I think
  18. Cheers navek and gibley I remember reading his story and history whilst tracing a couple of dogs i owned he was some dog and and some producer to bred out of ed Reid's yard I believe
  19. Is that Scotsman max in the pic after mountain man CH romer rom ijggy
  20. Who would you like too take over max bearing in mind all the problems going on there
  21. Give socks a shout he loves nothing more than to see a whippet run may even share some perm if he doesn't answer his pm first time keep trying he's a busy man but loves his whippets
  22. A week jack gate/long netting etc is a art form I know 2 old lads who use to run a weighted lined the width of a field to a long net with a spaniel/ collie type running lose behind they always did well on a good night
  23. Legally you can't remove the posts and as they have made a payment you could open yourself up for all sorts of problems trig even if you paid for the materials your mates agreement / contract was with you but any damage caused removing the panels etc could land you with a bill a small claims court would be your only option and providing the ruling goes in your favour is it worth the hassle and you open yourself up to a visit as they have paid a little so it may come under theft
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