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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. He's a belter what a nice stamp atb with your team
  2. Both dogs look well wvm nice bit of ground to what's in the busher I like him looks just the job
  3. Well if your going to ring him make sure you have a few hours to spare ? and a strong drink waiting you will need it
  4. I think socks as already answered that green ?
  5. Its always hard replacing a old faithful even harder sometimes admitting there best days are gone sometimes its hard finding such a replacement I'm in your shoes this old bitch is on light duties but my ask is a lot less than it was so hopefully a lot less expectation this time round will find me a suitable replacement
  6. Depends on the ground and how fit it is and what its done ferreting etc but socks is your man on whippets he will put you right on anything about them there is field of expertise
  7. nice sort nl are they related to the red dog you own
  8. Greyman nothing to do with colour the fact he admitted offences that the normal white bloke on the street would of be jailed for yet he couldn't stop when released going on twitter feck me you get 18 months for putting bacon on a mosque but its OK to abuse white people look at the uproar when its the other way round YouTube Facebook etc then look at the sentencing they get and I'm not racist against blacks I have mates that are black
  9. Funny you mention sleep he was on twitter after his release saying as a Blackman it was a good job he wasn't asleep when the racist police came or it doesn't mention why they were called in the first place suppose to of give his Mrs a slap but that didn't get a mention either after a day then to blame it on a woman calling him malteaser head hours before should of got jail the horrible cnut
  10. You recovered from last night I see then mush
  11. It nothing to do with hunting instinct has I have more bother with fat labs and them shit your poos or whatever there called on walks is it when hes just on the lead or is it when hes running loose to without sounding bad he might be picking up on your nervous energy and making him worst try and stay calm and keep him calm if you can and focused on you if a dog walks by but be prepared for a long journey with ups and downs talk to casso or skycat on here I think socks as well all will give you sound advice on it
  12. The feck have you got on your feet if your worried about barbed wire take a old coat or sack and just pop it on what ever you want her to jump but wideboy advice is good
  13. Seen a few I know on some places when we started seeing black rabbits mixy wasn't far behind might of been coincidence
  14. Found one this morning all nicely padded and kicked out but it backs on to a nursing home its a bit to close really and was told about another by a lad that ferrets a few places so going to sort him a duck flight in exchange for a walk on his place
  15. Who's tommy and who's Walter just out of interest
  16. I wouldn't fancy knocking on a door round here late at night with a black face you would get hammered ?
  17. I will be lamping in a place the keepers allow me to lamp on new years only I can't be arsed with all the false pissed up bullocks of new years
  18. I can believe it my old mans dog teddy a ebt grey did the same only a week after he left died of a broken heart so they say
  19. Im not sure stiff the first one I had was to hard for his own good didn't last long or the second direct off Levi oaks was a good finder stayer but never produced as lmost of her were culled but if she went to ground you were diggging good nose to
  20. The reason I remember this litter was I thought long and hard if I could do such a pup justice both in time and graft and being honest I couldn't hence why I didn't get one but has vin said its hard placing pups whether let downs or liars even folk lying about how much work they have shame dean was let down as he did his part rearing a good litter no wonder a lot don't breed
  21. I agree budharley should of returned the bitch if he gave his word that were the problem lies theses day a lot of folk are not good on there word lying to the owners and themselves just to get a pup I remember this litter very well reared a credit to dean
  22. I take it you don't like her ray you two have history ? just say your backs bad and slip out
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