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Everything posted by blackmaggie

  1. What about fresh horse manure it's free and would do the job of mulch plus would feed the hedge when breaking down
  2. You fishing for a bite stiff
  3. You would be better with flags buddy it can and does stick in the fibres and if they have the shits it can be messy plus the sand in your grass soon fecks up
  4. Just got a bundle of Smokey Jack smells ok I have just glugged aload of pellets with it and some wafters I will let you know how it goes
  5. Try them f**k book carp pages in your local area you can get some good deals
  6. Or even the mention of Sunderland fc
  7. Not really i think they can see a parasite when they see one now of you pop and shine your begging bowl up c**t
  8. Well done to rovers dy I have a bet with my cousin from wigan you go up has champs
  9. They could always use one of the empty stands on match days if needs be plenty of room in there wilf
  10. I wonder who's next up them Lincoln lads max mentioned
  11. Well another manager gone and Ellis selling up
  12. I would like them or villa to go up but the play offs are a lottery as you know but Boro have a good manager in pullis who's been there and done it so hopefully they do go up be good for the North East if they do
  13. I have ordered some smokey Jack stuff have you used them yet Neil and if so any joy
  14. A draw would of been better for us but fair play they beat a decent side
  15. I saw one on the market the other week howling mad Murdoch of the a team and straight away thought of max hard-core for some reason
  16. I have watched this having lost a child much younger than Alfie I totally understand his parents and God bless them they have tried everything I don't agree with the nosy protests outside the hospital or the threats to staff if true but how can a judge sit there and deny there last hope is beyond me and I see no one with any clout as step in health Secretary etc yet jail two c**ts for drug smuggling abroad and there on it it should be down to the parents at the end of the day it's them that carry this with them forever they have been let down massively
  17. World of sport and grandstand on a sat afternoon
  18. Not seen any swifts yet a few swallows about don't see many house Martin's now like I use to
  19. Tiswas little hobo grizzly Adams black beauty million dollor man farah Fawcett a team a few i remember watching
  20. I think he always said is strength was on the stones and he was virtually unbeatable on them terms and a lot of well known names backed that up fair play to the man he put a meal on the table and used what he was good at to make a few quid seemed a bully in his younger days but made good with what he could seemed a whitty sort of lad to in his interviews
  21. Paddy calls ryan air for a flight the operator asks how many people will be flying with you paddy a shocked paddy replies f**k knows it's your plane
  22. Them politicals are as bad as them pakis it's just they have more clout all them at Telford social services involved in both cases need charging and jailing for letting all them kids down whilst knowing what was going on
  23. Max seriously you need to think you have that many members telling you that your wrong on subjects they are clearly more educated than you on it but you persist on knowing better look in the mirror mate because if that was me I would question if I was in the wrong
  24. What's a Scooby max round here it's a car
  25. There can't be different gravy stiff it's disappearing fast round there just ask max
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