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Everything posted by ollywilli

  1. Guy rung me the other day to see if I wanted one, ill see if I can find his number. What are u wanting it for?
  2. What is the best age to start to pup ratting? And what's the best way to go about it? Or is it a case get it out of puppy hood and trained obidiance wise then start?
  3. Are these old queen anne types suitable for foxes or just bushing rats and rabbits?
  4. GErald I like that dog. Looks a cracker. Darren just measure her and 14 inches from shoulder to base of tale and about 10.5 inches tall to the shoulders. But she does everything I need of her.
  5. I would go along with the above posts but I always try and teach or train a ferret to return to their carry box, and take a spare with me (if I remember) never had it happen yet, bet it will thise weekend. How it get to do it is collar up and attatch to lenght of cord in garden and place box down with some biscuits in. Had to use it once when ferrets escaped and it worked. May seem bo***ks but it seemed to work.
  6. There are some brilliant russells here. Here is ours, I just hope this works as trying to do it off the phone. She may not be everyones cups of tea a slightly long in the body, but is spot on with her nose when it comes to rats and rabbits. She was brilliant the otherday guarding her purse nets and bolt hole whilst out ferretting. Not sure if she is the right build for other things. http://mobth1130.photobucket.com/albums/m522/ollywilli/ferreting/th_IMG-20120317-00567.jpg Hope this link works Wanting to find a male to put over her next year, any takers??
  7. We had a dog which was epileptic, hight breed KC dog, and the meds were expensive, he knew when I was gonna have them though Hope all is well
  8. Yours is a nice looking pup, I like russells but the shorter haired versions but the god russells always seem to be rought coated. Why I don't know. Keep us informed how you get on.
  9. I would stick with it a bit longer. Our terrier use to be a right tart and not even go though puddles never mind nettles etc but now there is no stopping her.
  10. Ice looking dog thorny. Yeah she looks a good strong one. All the best with her this year. There good fun on the rats just watch those wounds..
  11. Any one out there in east yorkshire that has any bushing terriers and willing for me and our little terrier to come along to learn a bit more and learn to push out instead of down???
  12. Never knew you could pay by card over the phone or you mean on the website. I always send him the money
  13. I believe so, I spoke to him a few weeks ago, but he has moved house recently.
  14. Looks very similar to our russell, so I will be biased here . ours doesnt put up with **** from other dogs now. shes only used for rats and rabbits, what do you intend to use yours for?
  15. does it state the mesh size, I just got some rat nets (just to see if they will work) which used a inch mesh board, but purse nets smallest I do is 3ft for small pokey thing and 3 ft 6 and 4 ft nets.
  16. That is the best kennel advice I have ever seen, top post
  17. I know very little about beddies but do they have their tales docked like other working terriers? If not why? Or is there a sensible reason?
  18. sorry could see that on my phone for some reason, thanks
  19. Look really nice. Shocked with the price too. Where abouts are you in the country?
  20. Thanks wirralman. I do have a licence and shot gun etc and I am working on two keepers for their permission to do the job. I think you have answered what I have been wondering and to get out with some one who is truely experianced. You are right I am probably green for it at the moment and hopefully will get there. Again as always thank you ever so much
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