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Everything posted by ollywilli

  1. Super thanks I thought there was a lot of it.
  2. Allan what sort of material is that white net, did you die it afterwards
  3. Its a good vid, I though mr pit was on here and also other forums.
  4. Had a days ratting planned today, firstly to the mothering laws, who seems to have rats in with the chickens, I bolted one last week, so came tool up this week and decided to give the ferrets ago at it too as it would be there first time on rats. We got there and unloaded stuff, threw Olivia in with Nanna and then time to move the guinea pigs which live out free in the garden and then let milli out and she was straight to the mark, so a put a few little nets down as only using milli and wanted to see if they would work. Two ferrets were entered and it wasn’t long until we had some bolted,
  5. Jaspet, great photo, did you just stock train both dohgs to ferrets. I've got one terrier use to them but the other isn't yet, just don't want that killing frenzy and a ferret to get taken
  6. Thanks for all the replys lads, nice to hear other people use their ferrets on rats and not come off to bad. Interesting to hear about people with their own rating breed and would love to hear more about them.
  7. Working deerhound and lurchers Tales of a rat hunting man Under standing working lurchers Simple prices please
  8. Ok thanks lad, a great response in a short time, so a little follow up question and I may be should put it in another thread but ill add it here for now. Ferrets suitable for rats, hobs, jill, large, think, long, short or it is all in the brain. Reason I ask I have all workig ferrets, 2 from good working lines and there pants. One un known brill on everything one from a looney woman who had them as pets and good on everything. Do you have any preference when breeding ferrets for rats? But they will also be suitable for rabbits?
  9. Mr jones it is possible but a slow slow process, I'm on with a 4 year old russell cross, little bits here and here, feeding with ferrets, and in and out of pipes whilst dog sat, I don't think I will trust him for a while yet.
  10. Does any one still use their ferrets to push rats out still to terriers or into nets?
  11. Had some old nets some where if I find them I will send them to you, they where my dads old neighbours, used when my dad was a boy so quiet old, not sure if there here but ill have a look.
  12. Nice bitch, may be a bit of lakey in with that head, like our big lad. How isn't she getting on with other dogs, it can just be the bitch hormones kicking in, just like wifes and daughters are. It may fade out, try and stick in there with it.
  13. Rabbit man I like that terrier. I am working a bitch terrier an dog terrier and a dog lurcher and height wise in thayt order. No problems so far, but bitch just hit season, ill tell you if any different in a months time
  14. Looking pup, all the best with it. Yeah that russell has a similar head to my big russell so poss some lakey in it. Any way I do like them plummers.
  15. All I will do is echo the above. Ferret proof dog, feed together and use pipes to allow the dog to see ferret emerging and going back down etc, anf sit and stay to guard nets or un netable areas. Make sure she he doesn't disturb nets and jumps long nets. Pinning rabbits willcome in time. But also teach a retrieve to avoid the terrier running off with your dinner. Mine has taken 4 year to trust ferreting whilst ratting. So just take your time. All the best
  16. I must say they are nice pups and looks a good mix, shame I'm full up.
  17. So just to check it is illegal to jab your own dogs too?
  18. Nitting nets, working , doing family things, game fairs.
  19. Plenty of fuss when they do things right, talk to them like a baby I got told, I have had some really odd looks and rolling around on the floor with them too.
  20. I was having trouble at one point and some one mentioned tug training, now I cannot remember who wrote about it now. I think the principles was to have a "toy" possibly a stuffed sock and get the dog to hold it and play tug, but you mus also teach it dead or drop (or else you may end up with a streched piece of game) and this game they would apparently bring it back to you to play with. Now I don't know if it worked as mine clicked before I used the technique but work a chance. Or down a corridor, play a game with dummy or toy and trow short distance and get the dog exited about it? It ma
  21. Both green and brown are ok, I have found brown better my self, not sure why. Had the odd breakage but that's often when I am switching back and forth to purse nets. Its nice to use and catches rabbits well, as long as the nets set right
  22. Thanks guys, yeah he's still learning or at least I am reading his marks. The ferrets were knackered, dog get out as much as I hope and been working hard all day long. Glad you enjoyed the pics and write up and I enjoyed writing it and re living it.
  23. Well I managed to get out on Saturday for a bit on some new permission the fathering in law got me whilst on a trip out to get his new van. I had a little look around in the week before so I knew where to go and what to bring, and then it snowed and thawed and rained some more. It started off been a bit of a foggy day, and about I minus one when I got there. I started of at a small wood. I let neo out the car, picked up the long nets and neo flushed two rabbits out which headed into some old tyres. I set up three 25 yard long nets surrounding the number of warrens in thi
  24. Not sure how many was put down, no not all season just yesterday when it is a good bag wood, and some good flights too. I nearly laffed my self, then saw father in laws face, not a happy chap..
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