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rob reynolds uk

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Everything posted by rob reynolds uk

  1. i now it old news but i glad you dog came round ,i had a terrier and still have and it eat 40x400mg ibuprofen tablets why we were out on the town the dog took them out my misses hand bag ,found the dog at 2am in the morning out cold with piles of pink sick every were ,i rushed the dog down the vets right away after a begging phone call as the vet gave him no hope as ibuprofen tablets are the worst thing a dog could eat he said he may pull through but his liver could pack up in a few days time then he would put him to sleep as he would be in a lot of pain ,he put him on a drip as the dog ha
  2. been full bore pigeon shooting most saturdays for the last 6 months or there about had some right good bags but at the moment i find its a waste of time iv been out the last 6 times and called a blank really ,the pigeon really dont want to know and aint playing ball ,i have all the kit you name it i have it ,i have loads of farms to shoot on to meny really as all the farmers want you there at the same time ,and they really are pulling there hair out ,i know how they feel ,pull on a field with well over 500 birds on it and im lucky to see a pigeon come back never mind a shot ,so i giveing it
  3. check theses out http://www.unoriginal.co.uk/nuvideos/UNORI...ary%20Might.wmv http://www.unoriginal.co.uk/nuvideos/UNORI...0in%20Mosul.wmv
  4. just tell them you brought it that way or even better tell them the dogs 5yrs old when they ask when the *** comes in that is
  5. it sounds to me like you have your self there a very good pup ,i would now hold it back as you may lose it to ground as its very young and head strong ..good things come to those who wait ,i would wait my self
  6. patterdales waste of time :whistle: you want some proper dogs like theses for foxs ask any body that knows about digging i will tell you what ask shaggy he knows every thing there is to know about digging so he keeps telling me :whistle:
  7. THe first shot had destroyed the beasts liver but it still managed to run about 70yards before I dropped it with a lung shot. your loseing it :whistle: we got one the other day bit high on the shot like your self it was a lung shot but it walk a few paces then dropped could of shot the stag as well but ones enough
  8. tossa i like the name and your a real killer :whistle: after 4 at night you can feel the cold dropping in
  9. chilli you wanna get in the ring your self and burn some of that fat off :realmad: go in by your self though as there will no room for two fattys :whistle:
  10. as you say fox meat do you mean dead foxs ??if so i have done it many a time i only use good clean foxs though and have done so for over a year with no ill affect ..they last about 4 to 5 days as i have only 7 ferrets now heres a before and after pic picked clean to the bone ok if you want a fox skin
  11. in my eyes a good ferret will work all day and bolt the rabbits and any that wont bolt are killed by the ferret ,most ferrets will go back to the rabbit after it as killed even for a few seconds thats how you can tell theres a dead one below , just mark the spot if you by your self, i always go with two or more of us makes life easyer and more fun ..if a ferret keeps comeing out then shoots back down again its not fecking about its on another rabbit so wait a little bit longer .also a real good ferret will come out the hole then run along the hedge ect to the next hole and seems to know if
  12. tell them i sent you new and second hand gun safes and guns rifles ammo ect http://www.livens.co.uk/index.ihtml
  13. up to a 1/2 grown rabbit you can make a stew ,just chuck it all in even the ribs if you want ,as the bones will float to the top on the young ones ,on a fully grown one the bones will sink which means spitting bones out ,1/2 to a 3/4 grown ones are best fryed ,fully grown ones are best roasted ,hares ..now we are talking nice meat ..have you tryed it curryed
  14. ater seeing the b&f in action i think i will stick with the old style box as i can pin point my dog no probs
  15. he is ok but his shit stinks
  16. some cracking pics the lads i bet its fecking brill to do what you want when you wont with out the worry of some c**t to feck things up for you ..keep them coming i for one like the pics
  17. just found theses on the net and thought of you :11:
  18. im fecked if im going to count to five :11: my dog only just catchs them now never mind giveing the buggers a chance
  19. it was brummys not mine we went out to test it and test it we did for some mag he now has two for sale one his the other his mates :11: for got to add that pigeon or dove call is a joke any body else tride it but i will add i did call a garden dove in to range but it sounds crap get it sorted it could be good piece of kit i hope you will improve on the calls ..calls to improve on rabbit /hare,crow,dove,foxs calling ....
  20. Deako it could be a good bit off kit if you go rid of the calls that are on it apart from the deer i dont know if it works on them :11: i can down load better of the net if i needed so why dont you do the same ,iv shot over 1,000 foxs in my time never had a fancy caller apart from the one you blow in to or the use of my hand ..im sure the boys on here could get you a live hare/rabbit calling to use on it and yes i would be the first to buy one, but untill then in my mind its a waste of money so sorry to have up set you matey but i call a spade a spade and i say what i think ..im like you i l
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