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rob reynolds uk

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Everything posted by rob reynolds uk

  1. i hate too see them belly shots and at such a close range as well :whistle:
  2. iv had 7 rapid 7 in my day the mark one gives 300 shots pr fill the mk2 give 420 shots pr fill ,thats if they are none FAC, about 50 shots if they are FAC,and what a cracking gun they are but i now have a air arms s410k nice little gun only for the rats and ferals mind ,but i would recomend the rapid to any body ,so easy to work on ,so easy to tune up to 12lb :whistle: may be one day soon i will have another one http://www.theoben.co.uk/customer/home.php
  3. http://www.bear-tracker.com/redfox.html
  4. http://www.nod32.com.au/nod32/download/trial.htm
  5. now i have big hands ,well im big all over if you know what i mean ladies and can only span one of my dogs with ease ,just happens to be one of my best dogs and can get any were fast ,if you have a dog with a 17in chest your about right for most terriers of todays breeding they are a little bit bigger round the chest than i would like ,a fox has a 14in chest and can get places were a dog cant ,iv seen my bullx chase a fox running full bore ,and the fox ran through some solid railing with 5 1/2in gap with out stopping made me open my eyes to were they can get ..if its just fox your after i wou
  6. they messed me about 6 months then 7 months mind you they did not want to give it to me ..but the crown court said differant BASC will move the buggers if your a member ..
  7. if it keeps biteing you mate and you have checked the ferret out and its not its teeth ect and you have tride every thing like seperateing them,.. knock it on the head ..no good keeping a biteing ferret ..its posts like theses that make me realies how good my ferrets are .. iv bred ferrets and reared them for over 33yrs ,i handle mine at one week old and do so for the rest of there life but you do get the odd one that even after all the handling it decides to turn on you ,if it bites me twice and it should know better ,i dont keep it no more in my yard or any body elses :whistle: i have 7
  8. http://uk.search.yahoo.com/video/view?&h=1...=956.5kB&dur=46 heres a simple way how to skin a squirrel. http://www.lockheedmartin.com/data/assets/2959.mpeg http://www.bluewaterbiggame.com/hunt_with_...unt_with_us.cfm http://www.bofunk.com/video/2777/redneck_granny.html http://rolltidebama.com/video.htm and how not to shoot http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...13964&q=hunting :realmad:
  9. http://www.villagephotos.com/signup.asp
  10. dog looks well for a young one, its going to have some muscle on it by the time its 2yrs old ..keep doing what your doing with it ,look forward to seeing what it turns out like
  11. WELCOME [bANNED TEXT]. ITS A BIT LATE NOW TO START FERRETING REALLY theres still time to do a bit of rabbiting they breed all year round dont mean there young will make it through the cold though ..
  12. most borders are late starters ,so how old is the dog thats fecking around ??
  13. http://www.britishbigcats.org/evidence.php
  14. all i can say about the .204 is its got to be one of the best rifles iv ever fired ,theres no kick ,which means you get to see your fox drop in the scopes .flat flying out to 300yrds ..for foxs this is the tool ..nothing wrong with the 22.250 just that the 204 is easyer to use and nicer to shoot and theres no over kill with the .204
  15. rob reynolds uk


    have a good life and keep it real matey
  16. if we keep on buying the news papers that show this stuff they will keep on printing it..i say dont buy the paper in the first place they will soon learn not to print this shit ..if they are showing are boys doing stuff like this and are complaning about it ..who side are they on ??,they want to show all the pics of the guys haveing there heads cut off why still alive the british need to stick together on this one and stop buying there paper when they print this crap they will soon stop it when thousonds of copys are left on there stands...dont beat them ,shoot the feckers ..
  17. i will be willing to go round and have a look :whistle:
  18. she had broken her back leg??so you had her put to sleep am i right in saying this ??
  19. this has got to be one of the best ratting posts iv ever seen and i could look at these pics all night long it took some doing to get them i know..well done
  20. iv done a lot of rat shooting in my day rats dont like high powed lamps in there faces well who does :whistle: put a dimmer on your lamp turn it down so you can just make them out 20ft away then bait up the ground best is on one of the mostly used runs or round were they are seen the most or were the most holes are they will find it ,bait about 7 places or more well apart from each other and walk round slowly with the lamp off then turn it on then up slowly so you can just make them out to shoot ,its better if you have some low powered scopes like the simmons 1.5x5x20 very good for ratting.
  21. the b.a.n on hunting with dogs did not stop them from dieing we did leave the hares for the dogs at one time but the b.a.n does say you cant hunt them with the dogs ,so shoot all the feckers ,thank the antis ..i do hope them hares do find there selfs on the dinner table ..
  22. you will learn a hell of a lot of the guys off here so read some new and old posts to catch up
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