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rob reynolds uk

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Everything posted by rob reynolds uk

  1. good shooting there Ian i shot this fox at a close range of 100 yrds some weeks back but my mate shot the deer at 575 yrds any way what you doing with a big gun like that dont they know your dangerous
  2. if i can get one any body can had to take mine to crown court though but i got it
  3. give them a ring to make sure they got your form ..they dont mind you ringing ..best of luck getting it
  4. THIS IS WHAT I USE http://www.winavi.com/en/video-converter/video-converter.htm SO EASY TO USE AS WELL
  5. Deako 28 million pigeon in england and only 5 million shot buy the likes of me mind you i bet it has taken 15million shells to kill the 5 million
  6. i see your getting good at this shooting ian ... been doing a bit my self had a 120 two weeks ago 50s and 60s pigeon ..love it ..out yesterday for a few hrs only got 10 pigeon and one magpie ..pleased about the magpie
  7. i had 31dvds of him only last week no probs at all
  8. 3 and half year old dog aint ready now it never will be ..it will or it wont ..give it a go i say ,you will soon find out what the dogs made of
  9. which ever you go for dont get a auto there crap had a 10/22 never again will i get a auto rifle , get your self a bolt action ..cz are good enough for rabbit ,crows ect and at the right price ..dont for get to try and get your self a big scope on it as you can only hit what you can see ..
  10. mat get your brother to stay at your place and chuck him £100 and the run of the place ..its far cheeper and the dogs get to stay at home ..
  11. jib ,thats short for jibber buster is a good one as well or digger ..
  12. feck me mr Darcy with a bow in his hands ..that i dont wont to see bad enough with a spade never mind a bow ..im off
  13. i use soil ,half fill with water and shake the feck out of it ..then swill with water till clean ...mine look like new when done
  14. you will always find a fox in the calfing field next to the farm looking for the after birth ,it always the first place we look when out with the rifle ..
  15. rings are crap ,you stick to the sliders ..i tell thee ..sliders are the biss
  16. if you think being a keeper is walking round with a gun under your arm and a dog by your side think again ,,its fecking hard work and wank pay ..all i can say is you must be mad in about three months of doing a keeprs job you will be saying it to your self ..
  17. the only way to get a dog fit is by running it ,road work will only get its pads hard ,so i run my dog on a rubber 6" ring down a grass hill to start with but any run on a rabbit is far better then any other way iv found ,start steady then build up over time ,but i do keep my dogs fit all year round by a bit of bushing work ..
  18. if any body see`s there dog mount there bitch or thinks its been mounted and they dont want the pups get it down the vets the next day and get it jabbed up its about £28 ,if im right i think you have about 10 days to get it too the vet as they now have some new stuff that they use to bring it out of pup ..
  19. get it down the vets and get it wired up ..
  20. same here its a pup thing it will soon get fed up of not catching unless it does then you may have a good dog on your hands
  21. 2ft long 15in high and 12in wide for each dog
  22. any dog that dont come all the way to you this is what you must do , just drop down to one knee or get down to the dogs level ,it does work a pup needs to have fun so keep the training short
  23. read this http://www.katberard.com/hol_bonesandfood.htm
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