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Everything posted by yorkshirehunter

  1. shame we have to shoot them over here first wink wink <well done lads
  2. try the pet shop haha ever thought about getting some ferrets and starting out yourself ????
  3. is this the same scamp my mate rosie from hetton has ????
  4. £40 plus post for 2" whippet collar. i thought dick turpin wore a mask ,
  5. never if you lived closer you could of had a mooch ,im sure some one will help pal
  6. there a waste of kennal space ,hes a puppy pusher ,untested dogs no good and the ingredients are no god thee too clever to get bitten so wont do fox
  7. them leather collars are pony strongstuff all the way
  8. ask some one on here to help you local get one up yourself
  9. looks a nice dog scars mean shit and ive seen half of some of the keyboard warriors dogs run and i wouldnt give them the kennal space and jord didnt you pay top dollar for that blue waste of space with flat feet that couldnt catch a fox in a telephone box ???? atb with the sale mate
  10. go into your nearest travis perkins they have some 12 quid lightweight and garuntee
  11. does any one have any ferrets ,nets ,carrying boxes etc for sale or cheap as i have just gained 120 acres and its over run with rabbits and the farmer wants rid of them im in scarborough i dont mind a little travel cheers
  12. to deer for me pal cheers anyway i want one under a grand as cheap as possible to be fair im not arsd if its been dogged had a hard life etc aslong as it runs and drives
  13. wanted subaru forester or legacy [bANNED TEXT] you got no silly prices please cash waiting
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