Looking but has not bin a Bush yet caught a mixy uses her noes but it will come winters comeing cover thins out so that's when I find they learn most I like to see how different they start the other two had started by now but no rush
Nice pair of bitches them willow, what's in em?
blue type bitch is a beddy greyhound x saluki greyhound RED/cream bitch coursing line only because the fella rung me and told me he bred her so everything if you go back thru the lines
its just how its played out with them i like a small dog with loads in the tank i bought the cream/red bitch in when a lad i no bought her and bred a litter out of her because of the blood in her (coursing lines ) but as said names mean nothing iv run her for three seasons up and down the country and to be honest a very good rabbit bitch and injury to her toes she can not run no more so a litter of pups i will get out of her going to use this dog whippet collie greyhound x saluki and as we all no its a gamble
the blue bitch was gifted to me in bad nick very thin so i have not run her ye
old bitch and young bitch starting to get in some sort of condition to give a spin her body starting to hold together old bitch can not run down to feet but youth with come with the younger bitch
ive found spaniel xs have suited down here hedges and ditches and you have control over them i ferret and bush motorway banks and road hedges i would t dare use the beagle xs ive had but only you seeing that will your own eyes will let you no
from six mouths old she took over the pack leader has gone from strength to strength i look for her to mess up but till date has proved me wrong i watched her hunt this morning a rabbit in a big wood and thick cover the rabbit tried everything to shake her off but she just kept pushing him till he went to earth then she marked the earth just made me smile
good hunt
sometimes dogs come along and raised the bar in your dogs this bitch has took my level up higher so pleased how she has opened my eyes to how good she has made just a hunt this morning and i thought a good hunt thick cover big wood she done me proud
after a wail looking for what i call a rabbiting pup i am going to bred my own found the dog i am going to use and TRY and bred a pup what will suit me down to the ground i no what x will suit me and the ground i run and work i can give the pup had some great others for lads that dont no me so its now down to luck