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wi11ow last won the day on October 25 2014

wi11ow had the most liked content!

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2,657 Excellent

About wi11ow

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. its when price tags come before working dogs they get there mates to say good workers looking at the bushing dog section same people week in week out working there dogs then the breeders come out with the so call working dogs being bred HAPPY 2016
  2. What out for the people's dogs being bred for ££££ There's a few on here
  3. good bit of sport mate perfect for the pups dont learn sitting in a kennel thank you
  4. all nice dogs lads well done
  5. Nice size put some pics of your cocker x Russell up how old is he
  6. a lad that use to come out with us had a very good bitch that way bred good bitch he bred her to a spaniel twice never took both times
  7. they make mooching easy ferreting handy x this bitch came much like a first x she s half spaniel x lakeland beagle steadier than the 3/4s in the style she works
  8. they are good animals i like the first xs terrier x spaniel had cocker x patt and springer x patts both worked and gave me days/years of fun my last first x was a springer x patt gave my 8 years of fun i have bred to a cocker and a sprocker with this bitch so both are 3/4 spaniel x terrier
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