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About pearcycarper

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 02/09/1976

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  1. Lol I've only got to touch my camo jacket or boots and my dog goes mad good luck for tonight
  2. I would agree KIA are crap,any jap 4x4 are good and as for landrovers breaking down I've just sold a series 2 and it never broke down and trust me I tried hard to break it lol but it wasn't very comfortable
  3. Have you still got lamps?
  4. The longer you wait and the more basic training you do the better,if you want the dog to be a lamping dog I would start it lamping at over 12 months old and don't bother with the daytime mooching until after your pup has been trained on the lamp,recall can be an issue as whippets love to hunt up,be patient atb
  5. Liam maybe when your pups ready ready we can meet up for a bit of lamping,I've got a 15 month old Whippet bitch just started her on the lamp and she's doing me proud,popped out last night and she killed 2 out of 3 runs,I'm only in hartcliffe atb nick
  6. Well happy with my little Whippet bitch 14 month old first season she's had 3 rabbits on the lamp both man and dog learning more each time out
  7. Can't believe still no update on this soon to be fished lake I would of been back an hour later lol
  8. love looking at your pics cracking dogs,just wondering do you lamp with your whippets my bitch is 9 months old and 18tts,i was told she had a bit of bedlington in her but im not so sure,wondering if she will make a lamping dog as thats what i got her for? http://i1070.photobu...sy7monthold.jpghttp://i1070.photobu...120120-2220.jpg http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u492/pearcycarper/IMG-20120309-00700.jpg
  9. is it possible to guess roughly how tall a dog will be by age and breed?got a six month old beddy whippet bitch standing at 16 and half inch at mo is this smaller than average? didnt get to see parents as she was givin to me at three months old
  10. just got two ferrets one 11 months old one about two months old just wondering will they work off there own back is there any training/tips any advice appreciated
  11. cracking whippets you got there mate atb
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