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About dickdastardly

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    East Coast
  1. probably an age thing !!!!

  2. Deffo a load of Bullocks if you ask me. warped minds if you believe in that. if they where there we would have all seen them. plenty of mental cases though and a few on here. too many late nights.
  3. pigeons, my neighbour keeps them, doesnt race them but believe me they attract rats, should I get rid of the rats, pigeons or neighbour

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dickdastardly


      Not bad that, but bet you still have a name for him / her yea

    3. christian71


      Yes the 2 grand cock

    4. dickdastardly


      Anyway mate where i'm coming frm unlike superstar you my neighbour does not race his pigeons just keeps them as pets, and dont think he cleans them out that much judging by the smells! I am tempted to have a pop every now and then he's a stubborn bstad. hopefully he may lose a few this winter.

  4. I know someone who keeps Pigeons, and has got names for them all, soft Prxk and thats just for keeping pegeons.
  5. Hello fellow hunters, just a note introducing myself. Can you guess what my dog is called
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