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About benny

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Whats the best condition for lamping foxes, someone told me after rain as they`re out drying or soon after harvest on stubble, we have alot of maize on our farm so i think they`re all in that it`ll be gone soon though
  2. Heres my shootin wagon a highly modified pug 205 it`s great 360 degrees shootin scaffold bar to rest your rifle all the way round lamp on roof with handle to control within car Built it myself and it will go nearly anywhere and if it gets stuck everyone just jumps off and pusses doesnt take much!!!
  3. It`s pretty easy for cleanin really there`s two corners they all go in i just go in with a spade scope it out and pile in the straw a work on my dads cattle farm so straw is plentyfull and free yeah the box is three seperate compartments they all seem to sleep under it thou!!!!
  4. it`s 8ft by 5ft then has a 3 by 3ft feeding area the rest holds hutchs and ferretin gear
  5. thats exactally what we call it the ferret manison! your ferrets will be fine with chicken mine have them
  6. cheers for all the replies thought you`d like it, they get on just fine stubby they`ve been together all their lives in hutches and work together so i think i`ll leave em in there and hope for the best i`ve took the hobs out so we`ll see
  7. you tell me! i knocked down two old sheds that where there so i don`t think so
  8. i`ve got 10 there not all together a the minute though but usually all 10 live in there
  9. alot of space is taken up by the hutches for seperateing them and my ferreting gear as you can see
  10. heres some pics of a court i knocked up!!! It`s taken me some time about 6 months on and off but it`s finally got me ferrets in it you can see in the pics there`s a feeding area but the buggers still drag it to their bed Anyway as for the advice i want to know if any of you have let two or more jills have their litters together in the same court/hutch i have got 4 jills about to drop as you can see there`s plenty of room for them all in the court but i don`t want them killing each others kits? any ideas?
  11. thats meant to be mate, forgot your not allowed text talk
  12. some good pics there [bANNED TEXT], good job you didn`t have a kill under that container
  13. no they haven`t swollen yet but my two hobs are showing alot of interest now and i dont want them to start fighting so i`ve removed them, i`ve had ferrets for years but they`ve been kept in huntches this is the first year they`ve been in the court i`ve built them. I`ll get some pics up of the court this weekend
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