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Everything posted by 11bigdave

  1. I thought it would hav pal people want things for free
  2. Right every one i will take £175 as need gone asap
  3. Or i will take a terrier pup for it all
  4. Its all in good and i look for about 200 for the lot
  5. I want it all to go as a job lot
  6. I have for sale 100 purse nets 2 carry boxes large double cage 1 hob 1jill in kit loads of net making equiptment open to offers
  7. Hav all the polecats gone as im intrested in havin two jill i live in northwich
  8. Hi there were abouts are you and are they micro ferrets
  9. Sorry pal its a bit to far im in northwich cheshire i would hav had that
  10. Hi there [bANNED TEXT] colour is the pup and were abouts r u
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