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Everything posted by rob284

  1. Second picture of the black dogs with the ginger muzzles and white chests, the type of dogs I can was brought up around. Great pic.
  2. The dog doesn’t need antibiotics, it has an immune system that’s more than capable of dealing with a bite, unless it has an allergy, in which case antihistamines would be the choice. People are too quick to just jab a dog with antibiotics just in case when really they’re not a precautionary measure.
  3. what happens when your pack of beddies push a fox to ground? Do they all enter?
  4. Haha seen that trick a few times ?
  5. One of my first seasons starting without any young pups to introduce. Hopefully have a pup to bring on for next season and I agree it’s the best part of the game, bringing on a pup and seeing it all work out.
  6. Those are the idiots you mentioned in your first post, I’m pointing out the fact that they were always there regardless of the breed. So what is it about the black terrier as a working animal that reflects bad on the terrierman nowadays?
  7. What is it about the black terrier as a working dog that reflects poorly on the average terrierman nowadays? So a border lakey requires more knowledge to enter? Back in the day lads were entering them at 8 month old carelessly and having success, just like some lads do with the ‘idiot’ proof blacks. It’s not knowledge that’s restricting the border lakey success, it’s access to good blood. If you have good blood, regardless of the breed, the odds are in your favour assuming you enter your dog properly.
  8. That meg is a very fine animal ? built for the job
  9. One things for sure, it doesn’t make the dogs soft when it comes to work.
  10. I have a quiet dog here that will cower head and tail down when approached in the yard, yet as soon as he sees the locator collar will strain at the lead head and tail stood up. I’d like to think he isn’t happy unless he’s working. Has no baring on how the dog works.
  11. Call em Russell or Lakeland, or simplify it by calling it a white dog
  12. Some of the finest land to dig too!
  13. Would they not be much heavier for the winter?
  14. That Blackun is a cracker, nice compact size
  15. What does a first cross bull do better than a well bred racier lurcher or even a 1/4 bull? You don’t need half bull to run fox and deer consistently, something lighter will catch more and last longer, and any bigger game isn’t a lurchers job imo. They’re for a certain job, but there’s no comparison with a lighter dog if your running a variety of game.
  16. Yeah a dark grizzle blue border colour I’d say. Atb with her
  17. Some dogs slip mate And never tie. But sure the owner of the dog would know that, if that was the case.
  18. That part of the north is a lovely place to spends your days hunting. Used to be up there every week. More travelling looking for permission but when you hit a good spot they’re very plentiful.
  19. What a stupid bitch. Talking about something she hasn’t the slightest about. The lot of them are a joke.
  20. Can’t watch it outside of the uk. Any links other than bbc?
  21. Sure they’re shooting them legally in cull zones. What’s the difference.
  22. Personally, as long as the dog works, I’d work around an aggressive dog. But it was your dog and your decision, nobody else’s.
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