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Everything posted by rob284

  1. Had him in a bad spot today. Would still be at it if it wasnt for the sharptooth.
  2. Fat doesnt make a dog fat, carbs do. If you want to trim the dog down, increase its work or reduce its food intake. Looking at the pictures, you wouldnt have to do much more ?
  3. rob284

    Log burner

    5 year warrenty but theyre wriggle there way outta honouring it. Fire fox arent a bad stove if you want something cheap. But sometimes paying good money is worth while.
  4. That last pic is a fine looking animal.
  5. Thats how i like it. A dog that isnt interested in other dogs. Maybe that comes with work because they know they have more important things to do than f***ing about. Id say its better done in a controlled environment, but the dog hasnt displayed any signs of aggression in my eyes as hes never took hold of a dog, your case sounded like dog aggression terryd. Also, Dog parks are the worst places to walk a dog, not somewhere id go.
  6. Let him off then. Id say you keeping him on the lead is getting him wound up because he cant be inquisitive and sniff other dogs like theyre suppose to. Try going on a walk without putting him on the lead. If you dont do it you never will. I dont know if your experienced but your misinterpreting his behaviour with aggression. More than likely youve never seen real dog aggression. Let him off and relax. If he bothers other dogs check him. But putting him on a lead isnt a fix.
  7. rob284


    Any update on your case dymented? Been a good while now.
  8. From your post there can i ask is he acting aggressive because hes anxious or because he genuinely hates other dogs? is he actually going over and grabbing hold or is he just pulling and barking whilst you hold him on the lead? Have you let him off the lead near any dogs, what did he do? If its due to anxiety, a nervous dog is a dangerous dog, especially round kids, and i think smacking the dog wont correct it. If its acting aggressive out of hate for other dogs, id say it would be easier to correct and a good whip will give him boundaries.
  9. Id have dug it bigger tbh ? nothing worse than breaking through and not being able to clear out the area. Fairplay blaise, when does your season end?
  10. Im on about a lad who dug with him whos suppose to be in the book too. Ill give it a read.
  11. Yeah thats it. Another lad was in it that was local to me, so im told. Ill have to read it.
  12. You knew them by any chance?
  13. That bell made a good size for you. Do you find the beddy x's temperament terrier like or hound like?
  14. Different people have different ways. I wouldnt let my dog bush as i have no interest in it and can result in losing a dog to ground in unknown places. I dont shoot, so the spaniels are foreign to me. When my dogs are off theyre just trotting around in my vicinity. And i have had a locator collar tangle on a root to ground, problem was the dog broke it and i dug down to just a collar, then had to get the bar out. Like you said its common sense, and in some situations a dog without a collar can be a dead dog.
  15. I believe some of the terriermen are based on real people in that book.
  16. Thats something i enjoy just as much as the actual digging, exploring new places. Its a buzz finding a gem of a spot that nobody has dug before. ?
  17. Haha you lads will argue over nothing. Me personally, i wouldnt call anyone a great terrierman unless i've spent enough time with them to come to that conclusion.
  18. Head over to kentmere. Lovely little place. Not touristy mind.
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