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Everything posted by Matt3699

  1. Haha you beat me too it. Was just about to say that. Good luck with the ferret though mate!
  2. Put the Kettle on. LOL :laugh:
  3. I saw a lynx when I was in Spain out on the lamp. I thought it was a fox at first and was about to slip until I saw it move like a cat. Lucky I didn't send the dog in, would of been nasty. Also saw some strange things in the sky. I will say UFO only because they were unidentified to me. Was out in Ireland lamping one night on the mountain when this giant thing flew over me really low. Only making a slight buzzing noise and covered in different coloured lights and diamond in shape. Not a helicopter or a plane. Still don't know what it was to this day. Was ufo sightings in the paper over the
  4. Traffic...? What traffic? Id say this pair are as equally mad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsOOccLv6vg
  5. I thought they lived in stately homes Joking aside, I did really enjoy the show. Looking forward to the next.
  6. Is there anything on the net? Some impressive looking animals alright. Very lifelike.
  7. Are you looking for someone with ferrets or just a dog to go with you mate? I'm not too far from you and wouldn't mind a day out, only have a Lurcher though. EDIT: Sorry mate ignore me i'm being a fool. I thought Evesham was up the road... but it's 2 hours away
  8. Congrats mate. Is there any reason you can't go and have a chat with him sooner rather than 'sometime in Jan' Time is of the essence. The hunting season is ticking away. Sounds like you already know the guy pretty well so I would be seeing him ASAP before someone else does. Best of luck mate.
  9. I am pretty sure hunting with Sighthounds is prohibited in France. But I am sure it is still done.
  10. Looks like a podenco mate. Which is a reletive of the ibizan hound. They use them in Spain. Good rabbit dogs. The borzoi is another.
  11. Not far from me at all. And you need a boat to get out in the fields Bloody weather.
  12. Hope the weather clears for you mate. It's flooded out down here.
  13. Everyone wondering where all the rabbits are this year. I think we just found out! Good result lads.
  14. I'm another that thinks the 3 combined
  15. Sounds like he wanted to make a quick buck for Xmas.
  16. It's difficult to teach a puppy not to play because that is all they want to do. I would start by keeping him on a lead at all times. He's 6 months so you have until September to get his recall and obedience 100% before you start working him. Even get one of those expanding leads and let him run off on that and call him back to you to begin. I had similar issues with my pup who is heavily saturated with Saluki and she decided she would do what she wants and wont listen. You need a lot of patience and persistence with a lot of dogs. I know how frustrating it can be. The last thing you
  17. h@h@h@ ' w' is fooked so is @ @nd i @m copy @nd p@sting w so tuff s**t till i get @ new l@ptop chris http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000954.htm
  18. Actually, looking at your previous topics will give people a good idea of your capabilities as a dog owner( Looks like you haven't owned many). And I mean that in the nicest way possible. You can't expect to make a topic like this and not receive any criticism. Welcome to the internet. I would take the advice you have been given and read, read, read. You are right, different dogs respond to different training techniques. Saluki's are renowned for not responding to a heavy hand. You have found that out. Back to the drawing board.
  19. Yes mate she seems to be doing the job. I spent a long time looking for the right breeding and I wanted something Saluki/ Greyhound dominant with a touch of collie. She's turned out exactly how I wanted her. Still young though at 18 months and haven't done a lot of work with her this year due to the weather. And my bloody battery on my lamp had died now it's got better. Typical. But she's running well
  20. Nice looking dog mate. Bred just like mine
  21. Finally a bit of heat. Hope it lasts more than a few days this time!
  22. Apparently he chows down on a variety of road kill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUYoukPZLnE Now i'm all for survival. I enjoy watching the likes of bear grylls. Because I think we can all learn a little something from shows like that. But it looks this this guy hasn't got a f*****g clue. He looks like he's just trying to get attention from eating disgusting shit. He dosen't even know how to properly skin a rabbit. I have only watched these 2 videos, so if someone could please explain what the purpose of these videos are I would love to know. Purely attention seeking in my opinion
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2R3SzQoXeY&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dg2R3SzQoXeY&has_verified=1
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