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moocher bb7

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Everything posted by moocher bb7

  1. An old wives tale is its a sign of plenty or mixy in my area and as there's always a black about and fek all else I'd say the later there is a half brown half white to brown body an head but white front legs an chest
  2. You won't go far wrong with a good whippet for a mooching pet to have fun with do your homework though for the right ones my opinion
  3. Local lighting shop 100w g10 bulb only few quid
  4. My first litter of bed collie whippet greyhound x saluki whippet greyhound through lashy long body types all ranged from 23 to 25 smooth second litter through half rough coated some short coupled in body ranging from 21 to 26 you get what your given from the genetics
  5. Record it a bedtime story and put on repeat in kennel
  6. Bedlington greyhound whippet greyhound pups born here on Saturday be reite for you heartbreak fell kennels genuine first cross bitch to a seasoned grafted whippet greyhound pm me ill pass you the guys number
  7. A fella my way lined his heartbreak bitch 3 weeks ago to his own whippet greyhound both first cross seen the beddy cross bitch take all quarry and retrieve shot game off water very handy tool in his camp
  8. I have one bed greyhound collie whippet greyhound 14 month old doing well one hell of a strike on it good pace just done to much routing about in the day with it as a pup as on the lamp im having to pick her runs more carefully as she will hunt the fekin field up if misses torch off the lot is it keenness or what ?
  9. Should of got a male then ey thanks for your replies as always genuine knowledgeable one thanks again
  10. Funny you say that skycat as signs are there for her to be coming in to season
  11. Tit im not stupid shes had to climb on to a workbench probably on her back legs to get in to the avasack that was hung up at about 6ft so as for dangling the carrot so to speak wasn't dangled
  12. Up this morning to sort last night's catch out before work do find the bitch has eaten all 3 bunnys never done rhis before has it got the taste now so to speak anyone else had this issue its not like shes shy of work neither out most weeks 3 night's a week in season any genuine replys appreciated cheers
  13. Go stand it in a natural spring fed brook old wives tale or not I was told to and do have for years when dogs have nocked there feet up im probably laughed at by the old boy who told me to
  14. Firstly dog wont be able to see out in that long grass pal keep it on lead or away from fields not mown off or it will hunt up due to not being able to see anything move as for lamp back off with it its only 9 month in my opinion to soon some dogs will some wont at early ages dont spoil it by being eger to be doing the job fools rush in isnt an old saying for nothing atb pal
  15. Mobility scooter places hire em out now a days by the houran idea
  16. Its all good and well knowing your land and dog but you cant predict where quarry will run to to get away obviously you try give the dog best chance it can for a catch
  17. Young dogs starting out lamping with no fear of any obstacles for example my 11 month pup 2nd time out no fear of anything obstacle wise bunny run log pile crash peppered marked up with grazes and cuts is it through fact of no fear or in experience or even both I know it will find its breaks eventually as experience comes as ive had this lots before with other dogs anyone else have these cringe moments
  18. Ive had it one night the plod swarmed us on permission us being me and 1 other pal of mine 5 cop cars 1 riot van running through field to us and made us lie on the ground asking why we didnt run away I replied genuine people hunting on permission dont following with a few angry chosen words they took details and said enjoy your evening sorry but were having trouble with poachers around here
  19. collie whippet greyhound Bedlington greyhound ive been told
  20. Yea she is an old type looking bitch very happy with her had her couple of weeks now and shes jumping an had a few mixy bunnys while mooching about
  21. 11 month 23" bitch lurcher to lurcher gifted by a friend more a returned favour cheers matt me lads med up
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