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moocher bb7

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Everything posted by moocher bb7

  1. Now I've planted a seed here ill await an outcome cheers lads
  2. Has anyone tried charging these while being out from one of those lithium power banks for charging phones as they are around 8000 mah around 7-8 amp as an idea of a quick charge if on a long night out and the inevitable happens
  3. If there was a prize for stupidity you prats would win gold every time you deserve what you get and kama will bite you back won't be long before you boys put a post up how to treat an injury you make my piss boil said my peace I'm out !!!!
  4. ??? brave soul with that PUP I don't usually comment on stuff but please don't rewin that for yourself your lucky it didn't give mouth do an injury or worse listen to folk who have paid the price in doing this themselves and take heed let it be a pup
  5. Stick by your last sentence and you won't go far wrong !! Be patient and do your homework atb
  6. Best showground in the UK always a top weekend done many a show here can't fault it myself
  7. The phrase lucky bas##rd comes to mind ??
  8. Did that jed dog come from lancashire
  9. Gift a pup for the lift if folk are wanting and waiting on for a pup surely one of them be willing to do you the favour just a thought
  10. A litter of bed greyhound x whippet greyhound in Lancashire a mate of mine has heartbreak kennels bitch to a good whippet greyhound a pup of a previous litter also to see there a week old be dewclawed to
  11. Pets at home now 6.25 a chip just had the 2 done as local dog warden thinks he's now on f***ing border control
  12. The new law actually states if cought without a chip in the dog you will be given up to 21 days to get the dog done if on the checkup it's still not done a fine of 500 can be issued so until cought ill be waiting but for those who arnt waiting pets at homes have it on offer until the 15th a tenner but some dog charity's are doing them for free
  13. Tell her brew and bacon buttys on arrival followed with permission to walk the farm will suffice ta very gladly cheeky and to the point
  14. There's a threaded hole on the bottom of the handle.i assume it's for a tripod what are you using to block this off lads I've drilled a hole on a bolt put a keyring ring through the hole and threaded it in to attach lanyard to for hanging round my neck I'd upload pics but don't know how to if you wish to see it pm me your number ill send you a picture you can upload it for me
  15. Chin up mucka as they say but I've had 3 in the last 12 month as the first pepper she was called at 14 month highest prey drive I've seen in a lurcher hit a strainer post on a fence fractured her atlas bone and buggered 2 discs wounded wasn't the word I had a 3 year old dog the month after this broke his wrist and 6 fractures all to same leg he's pet homed now with an old friend never to run again but mended ok and the one in my avatar was gifted to me by a pal and she has a reocuring dislocated hip keeps popping in and out and going lame on it so she's much to say the wife's pet I've sat thi
  16. Could be as simple as the soles on your boots footwear is major factors of injuries aches and pains just a thought
  17. Bedlington whippet x bull whippet 19 to shoulder my mate in Scotland has the bitch works all day like no other tracks fox ferrets bushes on shoot and lamps it and she's seen the lot excellent to watch work
  18. Oh I know it's one of them spot the difference pictures isn't it
  19. Because to some folk cash is king not in all circumstances granted but it is a cruel world
  20. A well rosd walked dog will have good muscle mass stiff looking a well run dog will have different looking muscle mass the term looks fit and running fit differ on the spectrum of being fit dog does look well I might add atb
  21. Collie bull greyhound pup been put on that gumtree 150 quid in Carlisle I know nothing of the litter or parents just thought I'd share if someone was after this way bread pup
  22. Let it see the terrier around it calm chilled out situation and let it interact like said put food down
  23. Do we have a price on them and are they with filter cheers in advance
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