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Everything posted by bunnybasher69

  1. Thanks for that whin, I'll look into getting some
  2. A picture would help. It could be an abcess if it isn't bothering her. I doubt a muscle could look like that without discomfort.
  3. used them and been successful,one occasion 2 rabbits bolted,with a purse net one would have got away with the hoop we got both beat me to it get a pic u ive no got any pics,theres pics a them in cmw but they are handy things...lad gave us them to trial them out see if they where anygood before he made more....dont go in your pocket like a pursenet but there handy things that work a treat Do you know how to get in touch with him, I've been searching the interweb with no sucess
  4. used them and been successful,one occasion 2 rabbits bolted,with a purse net one would have got away with the hoop we got both Did you make them yourself and if so what did you use as the hoop? All I could find close to it was wire for pop up tents.
  5. I was reading a write up on Countryman's Weekly about hoop ferret nets and was wondering if anyone has tried them? I wanted to make a few up but don't know what he had used to make the hoop with. They were saying a few rabbits can hit the net without having to change the net as soon as they hit and you can put them on the entrance of brambles and hedges where a regular net would get hung up. Most the places I am ferreting I have to spend a good deal of time hacking back bran=mbles before trying to set nets and these sound perfect for me. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  6. It's mostly members on their mobiles not logging in, don't be paranoid about this thread lol
  7. If you think it's a silly post and don't see the importance to it then don't read it or comment on it, simples After bothering him about it a few posts it's starting to look like you might be mates with the "clown" in question they went and met the guy...made an assumption about the pups and then come on here and said what hes just assuming.....no facts no evidence....importance of being idle if you ask me......oh and as for the friendship thing i canny f*****g stand geordies lol. If you think it's a silly post and don't see the importance to it then don't read it or comment on
  8. If you think it's a silly post and don't see the importance to it then don't read it or comment on it, simples After bothering him about it a few posts it's starting to look like you might be mates with the "clown" in question
  9. What's he going to say, no I didn't As long as he's still able to come on here and get rid of his junk then why should he care
  10. That's too bad, did they get a free jrt x bull/ grey pup with it?
  11. That looks like the same guy that put a couple kittens in a one of those shrinking clothes bags and sucked the air out. He video taped it and put it on youtube.
  12. Make sure you get one that fits the size of your dogs or it's not worth buying
  13. Sounds like it would be fine. It's not always easy getting a dog to use one at first and if you use a lead you have to watch the dog so it doesn't get injured just ask Cesar Millan.
  14. Don't think anyone said they were proffesianals just offering up a bit of what they know. I certainly don't know everything and would be an idiot to think I ever will.
  15. depends how often it's used. If used to replace free running on uneven ground it's not a good idea. The dogs muscles and tendons aren't extended in the same way and it's balance isn't shifted in the same way. The dog would look tone but could get injuries when worked later imo. I had a treadmill and chucked it.
  16. Thank you everyone for all your help, I will be talking to my vet and getting something to get rid of the little buggers.
  17. Make sure you tell them you want your drink in an unopened can
  18. Yes I have ferrets but they don't have fleas. It could be the pup I got a while back had eggs on it. It had a couple fleas so I bathed it but after reading more about fleas that's probably where they came from. Never had fleas until I got that pup
  19. no but I'd give gerfalcon a hand if he would like a go at it
  20. How is it with Thanks for the advice. I was reccomended this by a mate http://cgi.ebay.co.u...atchlink:top:en Has anyone had any experience with it? have found with natural products they don't work mate, personaly i would not waste my money, i use a product called PANOMEC from the vets it is a injectable form for cattle, sheep,pigs for internal paracites, not saying inject your dogs with it just use it has you would frontline on the back off the neck the only thing is the vet might not give it you to use on your dogs, the only way i get it is i use it on racing pigeons for f
  21. I used the neckdrops on 4 dogs didn't get them wet for 3 days and they still had fleas. I thinkthey might keep getting them when out bushing.
  22. Thanks for the advice. I was reccomended this by a mate http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180516014714&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en Has anyone had any experience with it?
  23. I had seen a few fleas on the dogs so I bathed them all twice in flea shampoo and the next day used frontline on them. A few days later they still had fleas. I bathed them twice more with stronger shampoo, sprayed the entire house and still found a couple more the next day. All in all I've spent around £40 on supplies that aren't working. What can I use to get rid of the fleas without spending too much more?
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