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Everything posted by bunnybasher69

  1. sure I did, din't you see the pic of the dog running in circles?
  2. Ohhhhhhh is it well now that makes sense now after all the posts the little slags been slating of mine, she's still pissed that I outed her last time she was on and got chucked off. Bit of sour grapes hey. Still a sad lonely bitch. Needs to be booted again!!! What's wrong you can't take a girl picking on you
  3. Doesn't really matter, it was worth it
  4. I wouldn't mind seeing her but I think you're a bit too far from me.
  5. Actually I'm typing so my gob hasn't opened Seems like you had no idea what the dog was like either. Good luck with er bellend
  6. Good on you but brian sold the bitch not long after he started this post . Have a look at the link. Selling a pup as a non-worker. Yeah your point is?? That was actually 3 months after I got her. I didn't bull shit or talk the dog up and I put her up cheap too! And I actually still have her as she was starting to come on a lil until 2am this morning when she started howling the house down ! So stick that in your pipe and smoke it asshole Nobody wanted her then You did the opposite of talking her up. She was just a pup and saying she would be no good as a worker just because y
  7. never say never http://www.buzzfeed.com/lookoverthere/short-dog-humping-tall-dog-j9q my ped whippet over a rottweiler
  8. Good on you but brian sold the bitch not long after he started this post . Have a look at the link. Selling a pup as a non-worker. Mines from working parents, caught a few mixis and healthy rabbits, can jump, marks and bushes, so them things like running seem minor to the positive areas of her! It shows what putting a bit of effort and time into a dog can give you. All dogs have their own difficulties but if you take your time to work through them you end up with a better dog.
  9. Good on you but brian sold the bitch not long after he started this post . Have a look at the link. Selling a pup as a non-worker.
  10. Nice to see you put the effort in with her. That's the problem when you have a dog that can run straight, it can get away from you. Glad to see your sticking with dogs you can catch. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:9K7f76DmDawJ:www.classifieds.co.uk/leeds/pets/dogs/whippet/14009337/whippet-bitch-pup-8-months/view+%22brian-911%22+%22patterdale%22&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
  11. How old is she again http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wqlR-sGdMboJ:www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/116464-patterdale/+site:thehuntinglife.com+%22brian+9-11%22%22patterdale%22%22bitch%22&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
  12. bump http://www.k9community.co.uk/forums/lofiversion/index.php?t72230.html
  13. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/176247-whippet-pups/page__pid__2430957__st__15
  14. Not the ones he says they are from I hope all the people that bought these registered whippets realize the bitch he says is the dam is a white parti bitch not a red with black mask This is Princess Pride A litter was registered in her name by him born 28/10/10 http://thewhippetarchives.net/details.php?id=116478 No matter how many details someone can change on the registry you can't change the original registered colour. http://thewhippetarchives.net/details.php?id=61013 Just wondering what bitch that is and if the litter that's registered is Princess Pride's li
  15. Any details on the fella he got the dog off of? Does anyone have links to his adverts?
  16. Are you trying to say the jack/ chi pup I got might not be what he said it is?
  17. at least she was smart enough to pull her trousers down first smsl
  18. How rare is a golden hare? I seen one last night that looked like this
  19. Nice looking pup, you should have named it nigger then it wouldn't get censored on here
  20. I think he needs to look at the death toll from cars each year in comparison to guns of any type.
  21. Reddawn can you put some pics up of your dogs so people can see how treadmill helps bring out the best in dogs? I'm all for using a treadmill along with working your dogs. For the op your dogs too young to use a treadmill imo but it will be a handy tool for the future.
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